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Status Updates posted by padawanbeck84

  1. Bouncing around with the pre-sale excitement = not sure I'll sleep tonight! :lol:

  2. The U2 New Year playlist is ready :D

  3. Wishing everyone a happy Christmas! 

    1. pain_18_


      Merry Christmas !!!

    2. Malahide


      A happy Christmas to you and to everyone else on this site!

    3. Frankaz


      Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :Arch:to you all :POP_Heart_01:

  4. Happy Birthday Larry! And thank you for getting this band started in the first place.

  5. Twickenham was amazing! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frankaz
    3. padawanbeck84


      I saw several people in Pop T-shirts. You would have approved of them :D

    4. Frankaz


      Sure would! Glad you enjoyed it :)

  6. Counting down to Twickenham! :D :JoshuaTree_Tour_Trees:

  7. As someone too young to have been to the original Joshua Tree tour, I am seriously looking forward to this. Also... Noel Gallagher as the support!! Dream line-up right there!

  8. This little Star Wars nerd is heartbroken. The Grim Reaper has taken too many this year.

    1. mich40


      It's just terrible.....I hope 2017 is more gentle on us than 2016 has been.

    2. pain_18_


      I hope U2 will put out three albums in 2017.

    3. Malahide


      May the Force be with you

  9. America, what the hell were you thinking????

    1. Alma1


      America did not elect Trump. It's an illegitimate election because of all the illegal & immoral Voting Rights Violations by legislators (of a certain political stripe) designed to stop the poor, elderly, minorities, & college students from voting & to make some of their votes not count. Despite all that, Hillary got about 2 & a half MILLION more votes than Trump - and the Electoral College gave Trump the 'win' - but that's because of shenanigans (by that certai...

  10. Happy Birthday Larry - and thank you for starting our favourite band!

  11. Can't quite believe tomorrow (Tuesday) will mark 1 year since I finally got to my first U2 concert!

  12. Looks like no #U240 events near me, so I'll mostly spend the day rocking out to the concert DVDs.

  13. 5 months to put together a Star Wars X-Wing pilot costume for a local convention... challenge accepted!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. padawanbeck84


      I'm hoping to get the orange overalls by the end of the week so that's a good start :)

    3. AJthedreamer


      I salute you! Pictures when you are done please!

    4. inter1


      May the Force Be with You

  14. At least this website is relatively free of politics... some of the stuff being spewed on my FB timeline is seriously making me consider disowning certain family members :(

    1. inter1


      Ashamed to be English

    2. ELMARTO


      I hear yah!

  15. How many people are listening to "Breathe" today? I will.

  16. Excited for the Paris DVD!!

  17. They couldn't have timed that much better - the Paris DVD comes out the week after my birthday :)

    1. mich40


      Happy Birthday to you!

    2. joshthetree


      coool happy advance birthday to you

  18. How soon can I book my ticket for Rogue One? *waiting impatiently*

  19. We've finally got sunny weather!

    1. Malahide


      Since a few days it's nice weather here.

  20. Trying to get my assignment done on time...

  21. Trying to get my assignment done on time...

    1. inter1


      stop reading this then ! :-)

  22. First Bowie, now Alan Rickman... seriously 2016, I hate you already!

    1. pain_18_


      Don't hate it so fast....SOE might come out this year.

    2. padawanbeck84


      True. Hopefully it'll just be January that sucks.

  23. What horrible news to wake up to. Rest in peace David Bowie.

  24. Having a great start to the New Year.

  25. Wishing my fellow Zootops a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    1. joshthetree


      happy new year to u2

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