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toyoracer last won the day on August 23 2018

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34 Excellent


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  • Gender
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  • Favourite U2 Album
    Achtung Baby
  • First U2 Gig
    Oct 28, 2005
  • Best U2 Gig
    Jul 14, 2015

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  1. i'm ready, I'm ready for the gridlock.

    Headed back to Berlin for a re-do.

  2. I was literally crying during "Iris". I keep tissues handy because I become a mess. ?
  3. Prayers for healing for Bono

  4. It's now hitting me that I'm seeing my favorite band start their new tour this week! I've never been to an opener, plus I'm excited in general about seeing them again, so pardon me while I take this all in!

  5. Hoping I can see U2 on my birthday in Berlin, God willing.

  6. I was -2 years old. In other words, I had not graced the world with my presence yet. j/k But really, I wasn't born yet :/ I'm catching up!
  7. I really hope this pans out nowhere! It would be nothing more than a cash grab and free promoting, all on the fans.
  8. Yup, I was that excited (me on the left in NASA shirt). I had no idea there was even someone in front of us recording anything. I was super focused on the show. Out of the 5 shows I've seen this tour (Houston, Dallas, Chicago 1&2, NOLA), this was the best. OK, maybe a tie between NOLA and Chicago night 2 (there was ASOH). I brought two newbies to the show and they have been converted and want to see U2 when they tour again.
  9. New Orleans is a go! I'm driving out from Houston EARLY. I should be in New Orleans before noon.
  10. Luckily, I was blessed to have minimal damage to my home and no flooding in my neighborhood. I have to say that Saturday night was by far the scariest night because there were tornado warnings every few minutes; a tornado was even spotted less than a mile from my home! I don't know how many times I rn into my inner bathroom for shelter. The rain just never stopped and it was raining so heavy. It was unbelievable. I barely slept during the height of the rain those several days. I would sleep in the daytime because it always get worse at night and it was hard to sleep trying to look up for tornados, down for flood water, at the TV, at the phone, for my cat! Very nerve-wrecking. I'm blessed; I never even lost utilities, but there were many people who weren't so fortunate. I was supposed to go to the Detroit show, but my flight was cancelled twice, so I just decided it was best not to go. Ford Field did honor a refund. I volunteered at a few places taking donations over those days, instead.
  11. I'll be in the GA with a couple of folks who are attending their first ever U2 show.
  12. I used to have a little toy Trabant before I knew the significance of it. I found it and set it aside. Now, I lost it again.
  13. Oh great, rude staff and hiked up prices to look forward to. Hoping for a pleasant experience.
  14. You could wait outside the venue to try to catch them when they come in for the show. Sometimes it can be a hit or miss.
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