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Posts posted by bigwave


    I'm in Wires - Got 1 x Pitch 1 for Dublin @ 9:09am, 1 x GA for Amsterdam @ 09:47 and 1 x GA for Twickenham @ 09:59


    Keep trying they seem to still be popping up


    Got 4 GA for Paris no bother.

    All that shows up for me in Paris from U2.com in terms of drop down is the Red packages?


    click twice, once on the red tickets sign, then again on the drop down tickets sign, take you to the right page



    went via U2 link NO TICKETS AVAILABLE in any section in Croke park. getting annoyed and frustrated now, fed up being conned thi

    s is the 3rd time

    keep trying, just pulled up this very minute took 30 seconds from u2.com link


    attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2017-01-12 at 09.27.01.png


    Well thats just great for redhill members isnt it, are you just rubbing salt in the wound??


    not at all just pointing out tickets are available. i used a red hill code to test, but makes no odds, a wires code has equal access from 9AM today

  3. I notice that the thread on the Red Zone section that contained a lot of posts from annoyed people who couldn't access Red Zone tickets for Twickenham in yesterdays fiasco of a Pre Sale has been deleted.

    The promised "Official Statement" on the problems never appeared either.

    Nice touch mods, really classy, after all were only fans who pay £40 a year for the so called benefit of having first crack at decent tickets.

    who promised an 'official statement'?

  4. Hello,


    By trying to successfully get floor tickets and get through the checkout process on the site for Barcelona tickets as quickly as possible, I accidentally entered my credit card number as my ID/passport number. I am not a Spanish speaker and I had a bad translation of what number was expected to be entered.


    Has anyone else had this issue? Will this lead to trouble when trying to enter the stadium and is there a way for me to modify that number now? I really hope my ticket is still valid.


    Best Regards,


    maybe send them off an email

  5. Got in at 9 o'clock with a wireless pre sale code to buy 2 GA Rome. Nothing, all sold out. Quite disappointed. Now I'll go for it on Monday. Fanclub subscription was for nothing. Well, a welcome gift...

    worth keep trying today...

  6. Not taking away from the amazing group of people here on the Zoo Forums but we have a good group of about 300 or so people on Facebook for Chicago.  It is a group that was formed for the IE Tour and now have shifted over to The Joshua Tree Tour.   I have just become the new admin of the group and we plan pre and post show get togethers, have great discussions, help each other, and all that fun stuff.   If interested here is the link to join.


    Mods:  If I am over stepping my bounds by posting this, I apologize and you can take down.


    LINK:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/U2ieTourChicago/

    no problems at all. Tell them we said hola.

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