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Everything posted by mich40

  1. Dear U2, You played Gloria on the wrong night, or maybe that was just a practice. Please let it happen in Toronto and/or NYC3 or 4.

    1. peterdiaz


      Agreed. Gloria and Two Hears Beat as One for Toronto. I'll leave which show up to you four to sort out.


  2. Too bad we missed it. I was coming home from a Baptism. It was hard getting periscope, hopefully someone has a video. Yep, I was coming come from small group.
  3. Can't believe they played Gloria!!! Hope that shows up again for NYC 3 or 4.
  4. I've seen a couple of pics on FB. Looks like it's a beautiful morning in Chicago.
  5. Pretty sure that it's like the 360 tour, as long as it does not have a detachable lens, you are good to go. Check with your venue though.
  6. Gotta run. Hope you guys have a great rest of the evening.
  7. *cough I would cough* sorry... If it were really Johnny, I'd stand. But I liked the punk intermission better. Made more sense.
  8. In 13 days...I will be hearing those drums live!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Me too. That's one of those songs that grabbed me from the first listen. LOVE.IT.
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