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Everything posted by mich40

  1. <script async defer src="//platform.instagram.com/en_US/embeds.js"></script>
  2. I still want to sing "put your hands in the air" during Mysterious Ways like on 360.
  3. I made it in time for intermission. But if there are any REM fans in the house, and you haven't seen it yet, I highly recommend REM by MTV. There's even some Adam and Larry in there.
  4. I'm not sure that's what they play right after or not because the feed was cutting in and out, but I did hear it. Love that song. Has Chrissie Hynde from The Pretenders on vocals.
  5. From what I heard from the first night through the streams, I think it's State of Independence by Moodswings.
  6. <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Holy Moly!
  7. https://www.periscope.tv/w/VzgIejE3ODMwMDl8MTE4MDE3OTYAwm6UHfSOIWM7M8V1oF_UZ8wdeJLn9_dCrWwk76u4Dg==
  8. Yeah!!!Miracle Drug ROCKS!!!! It does the same to me... I have always wanted to see it live. They had dropped in on the Vertigo tour by the time they made it to Atlanta.
  9. OMG!!!! Miracle Drug!!! *crying for the 2nd night in a row*
  10. nothing lasts forever... =( Derek Schumann's lasted all night... But we are thankful for anyone who is willing to do this for us, no matter how much or how little they are able to do.
  11. Sarah needs to try & get a little closer for the next show I think so too.
  12. K5jon, was this your friend?! Although I don't know K5jon, I know this isn't his friend as this is Amp. I've seen him in many lines. And onstage several times too.
  13. WooGirl is back? yay... = | =P I think she is!! Admit it, you missed her She wasn't quite as scary when it sounded like she was in a can.
  14. The screaming chick on the audio feed puts the whoo-hoo girl from the 360 tour to shame. LOL
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