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Everything posted by mich40

  1. It all started 37 years ago today. I've been along for the ride for 31 of those years. What a beautiful ride it's been!

  2. I waited patiently.....

    1. Anjana


      ...for the word, they inclined and heard my cry,

      they brought me up out of the pit, Larry was still so fit...I will sing, sing a new song if they bring a new album out...

    2. mich40


      lol That is brilliant, Anjana!

  3. Monday, Monday....

  4. I remember that thread. I posted in that thread! Do you remember the story from the girl, which sadly I don't remember her name but she was in New York and in the process of meeting Larry and some jerk pushed her out of the way, made her drop her camera and Larry did the smack down on the dude? That was in that thread too. Thought it was in the paid General or Band folder.
  5. Do you create a piece of art to please yourself or to please others?

    1. Anjana


      A bit of both tbh, unless it's a specific commission

  6. When I grow up, I want to be a photographer.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xtraspicy62


      but please stay a child in your heart

    3. mich40


      Thanks Spicy! :-)

    4. Anjana


      Not sure when I'll grow up, I'm still waiting!

  7. Hi, ho, hi, ho, it's off to work I go....

    1. Anjana


      Dig dig dig


  8. It's a beautiful day......

    1. Zhivvy


      don't let it slip away :)

  9. Some days are better than others.

  10. Backing up my photos from our dying computer. Looking at my 360 adventures. Fun times.

    1. Anjana


      hoooow looong for the next tour to come along...

    2. mich40


      How long to sing this song....


  11. And I miss you when you're not around.....

  12. Who's to say where the wind will take you....

    1. Anjana


      ..which way the wind will blow

  13. Hello, friend! Hope you are doing well!

  14. It is a bit bright, but I don't think it's any different than the whiteness of Facebook.
  15. Still trying to find my way around, but so far, I like it. Just taking some time to get used to it.
  16. 21 years ago today, I saw my first live U2 show. I still remember how surreal it felt to be there.

    1. All I Want Is You 2

      All I Want Is You 2

      I'm approaching my 25th anniversary of my 1st U2 show, Joshua Tree. I can still feel how sore my throat was from the singing & screaming & the sweat from dancing

  17. In a strange land.....

  18. [quote name='Allegra wrote: basher1 wrote: badgirl56']yep I agree...... Ah want a flashing envelope back Millions times...YES!!! And Billions times....YES!!!
  19. [quote name='Zhivvy wrote: pain_18_ wrote: Zhivvy'] Quick Anj - a few hundred more comments and you there. I need to post everywhere to see what does come after disco! I need to know! I'm curious too !!! I will post and post and post til I know! Does anything happen at 8000? Guess I should post 10 more times to find out.
  20. That's a very good question. Was thinking about renewing soon even though I'd not due until end of February, but I think I might hold off for a bit now....And make a screen cap of my current info page.
  21. I totally agree with you! It worked fine, the black background was wonderful......but people complained about it b/c it wasn't as innovative as other websites. Said it was too simple.
  22. Does this mean we don't have to look at that beach picture anymore?
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