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Everything posted by Madfl3a

  1. He's so right. This crowd was amazing. Even the wee kids on the rail knew the words to every songs!
  2. I should never have gotten into that train this morning ?
    There's all kind of magic in this world, but U2 is the one I love best. Especially in nights like this one. Bono thanked the portuguese fans for their patience. Well, to be honest, every u2 fan as learnt patience is a virtue with this band. The more you wait, the better it gets. And it wasn't an exception to the rule. It sure had been a while since our four favorite Irish men stepped foot in Portugal, but tonight… tonight made up for a decade of absence. What a show. What. A. Show. I'd gladly say I have no words but since I'm writing thid it’d probably be lying. And yet, I'm not sure I have words strong enough to describe this feeling buzzing inside of me right now. Hands still shaking, breath slowly returning to normal, blood pressure slightly off the roof for the next week or so. They're good. They're very very good. Sometimes, when stars align or something like that, band and audience seem in complete osmosis. I think that's what happen tonight. The band was on top shape, Bono's voice could have blown up that wooden roof, and the audience was seemingly very very happy to have them back. It was loud. Like proper loud. Like rocket to the sky loud! Wow. Big fat wow. I probably lost half of my hearing for the next month or so but I'm so glad I did. Because you know what? This loud sound? It's not just yelling or singing. It's joy. It's joy in its purest form. And of course so much love. You can never get enough of that. Love is bigger than anything in its way. It was the kind of show that makes you leave the ground to a faraway place with no name. It was rock’n’roll, it was kind, it was emotional, it was resilient. It was everything you need a rock show to be. The kind of show that turn you into a walking paradox. You can barely walk because your legs hurt so much from jumping, you can hardly breath evenly, your soaked in your own sweat and tears. And yet, you've got the biggest smile you can have on your face. First gig I do this tour, and from the moment the introduction began, I knew we were up for something special. That something special is a gift they give us every single time, even if we don't necessarily realize it. They push us to be the best of ourselves. I've always found completely amazing how after walking out of music show, I could think that I could do everything. That nothing was impossible. I always felt empowered by some kind of gentle spirit whispering into my ears “you can do something. You can change the world.” Tonight? Hell yeah I can. If innocence was quite an emotional journey to the past, an introspective of our inner selves, a path back to those days past and gone to deal with the ghosts that might still haunt us, Experience looks very different. It feels like a journey to the future. To a better world. To a fairer world. Another path guiding us toward something we all want deep down. Love and peace or else. Sometimes all it takes is a bit of inspiration. And thank god we can always rely on u2 for that. There's all kind of magic in this world, but U2 is the one I love best. And that's probably because they don't only give me music, they also give me hope. I don't know when our paths will cross again, but like the friends I made on this madness of a road called being a U2 fan, I'll miss you dearly U2. Another time, another place… I will follow. Always. Thank you for giving us new dreams tonight and turning the ordinary into extraordinary once more. Thanks for the magic. Thanks for the joy. Thanks for being now and forever the best band in the north side of Dublin (or you know, north side of this universe if you ask me.)
  3. Madfl3a

    E-stage Party

    Montreal 1 (June 12th 2015)
  4. Madfl3a


  5. Madfl3a

    E-stage Party!

    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

    Go girl, go!
  6. Madfl3a


    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

  7. Madfl3a


    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

  8. Madfl3a


    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

  9. Madfl3a


    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

  10. Madfl3a


    From the album: Paris #U2ieTour

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