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Everything posted by mike7man

  1. Depends on the situation. With a presale code, 2 max--period. And once you've got your 2 tix, that's it (you can't use it in other venues, although in the US, you can do 1 GA in one show, 1 GA in another). In general onsales, 4 per venue (theoretically; in actually, they sell out super-fast).
  2. This is only true w/NYC--and it's because New York has a law banning paperless tickets. U2 can't do anything about that.
  3. Thanks for the confirmation, Max. Would hate to steer anyone wrong!
  4. Wow. Very helpful--thanks!! I really appreciate the information and explanation--thanks for taking the time! By the way, which shows are you going to?
  5. You can do that, BUT: Set up a TM account in your wife's name also, with a DIFFERENT CC (namely, one of hers) than you have with your TM account. Then you should be OK. Also, any paperless tix bought through your wife's account will require HER to go to the show.
  6. Sure. Another thing--you'll get an email from TM not long before the show with more RZ details. Of course, look that over carefully for any info regarding your question!
  7. Bigwave has said (in another thread) that they've told TM to stop messing w/more than one adult in a household (e.g., couples), so that seems to be already sorted (he said to PM him if there are any problems). Regarding the 4 ticket thing, lots of us hear you (I'd love to take my parents, for example), but they seem pretty solid on the 2 tix limit. On the other hand, the stadium leg next year will very likely go back to the 4 ticket limit. So if you can't do it now, you'll be able to do it then (as will the rest of us).
  8. Sounds like it's randomly drawn from the RZ tix--seems like you don't have to do anything beyond what you already have.
  9. The mods have mentioned that this may be (eventually) possible. It's really only an issue w/GA and RZ tix, since only they are the CC entry thing (reserved seats aren't). But, especially with the new dates being added, it would be super-helpful to know that it would be possible, say, to trade 1 GA for one show for a GA from another show, etc. I'm not holding my breath that this will be straightened out anytime soon, which is too bad given the rapidly upcoming sales for the new dates, but just thought I'd ask. And mods--you've been doing a heroic, fantastic job helping everyone with all sorts of things. So please understand this is not a complaint!
  10. Wow. That amazes me, especially since the ticket limit policy--right there on each venue page--says NOTHING about households. Rather, it says 2 tix per PERSON. The stuff they mention regarding addresses, CCs, etc. is all explanation of how they decide that some PERSON is violating the limit. Again, nothing about households!
  11. Multiple browsers are OK, but not windows/tabs within the same one. Jeff--by "multiple browsers" you mean two different ones? (e.g., Firefox and Safari). So two windows within, say, Firefox could be problematic? And if so, under what circumstances? I tried for MSG tix in the general onsale, and using Firefox, had 4 tabs--one for each show. I didn't get any errors or whatever (but on the other hand, didn't succeed, either). Anyway, whatever specifics you know about this would be very helpful. And how do you know this?
  12. Jeff--if you're an innocence member (now), you get a presale crack 3-4 hours before any folks buying the bundles do. In other words, "prior" innocence members get priority over bundle people. Check out the venue/date you're interested in, and you'll see the (later) time for the bundles. Although, the venues typically do NOT list the prior innocence start time--but that's clear on the U2 tour page. Also, note that prior "real" innocence members' presale for ALL North America begins at 12:00 EST Thurs (i.e., not local time).
  13. Yes. It's also important to know that you CANNOT do this if you're already a member (i.e., you can't, in effect, join twice).
  14. They're about 325/each; a little more or less depending on the venue.
  15. What s/he said. See lengthy thread on this subject ("Stage Design") a few topics below this one.
  16. Paris looks sold out--seems like they have as good a chance as any venue to get more dates. Good luck!
  17. Well, I'll have to eat my words some. They are selling the top VIP packages. BUT--LA will definitely NOT be getting more shows (they're not nearly sold out). Chicago likely will, but NYC is looking more doubtful (MSG 2-4 are still not sold out--they've got some full-price 200-level seats left).
  18. Read it again, U2stargirl--the 600 party package does NOT include a hotel. Just a good ticket, and some miscellaneous stuff/bar/etc. That's it. Only the super-expensive travel packages include a hotel.
  19. Yeah, the top price is a problem--particularly since so many tix for each show are top price (IMHO, at least 50%-100% more than there should be). And like folks are saying, I'm hard pressed to see how any US locations besides Chicago and Boston have any serious chance for more shows. I'd also say NYC's chances for any further shows are rapidly declining--MSG 2, 3, & 4 are still not sold out (2 & 3 still have c. 200+ full-price 200-level seats; 4 more like 100+ of the same). And (see other threads) the chances of getting another 2 tix on the presale codes is probably not great, which has both pros and cons, I suppose.
  20. There's demand, just not at $312 for what used to be MSG's 300 section in the first 24 hours of the general sale. They've got 7 months until the show dates. The NYC shows will sell out or come close enough to justify additional shows. And then I can have a ticketmaster-related headache all over again. I'd tend to agree that the prospects for more NYC shows are dicey, particularly if they don't sell out for a while. In all the previous tours I can remember, shows have only been added when the originally scheduled show(s) not only sold out, but sold out quickly. NYC is close now, but not there yet. That said, Chicago and Boston DID sell out within a few hours, so they're maybe looking good--although I'm a bit surprised that they haven't already added them.
  21. Well, I really hope that is not the case because that warning wasn't in place for all sales. According to yours description (and others) Sec 120 for Vancouver looks like it could be behind the stage and there is no limited view notice for that section. It really shouldn't requiring sleuthing to figure out if tickets are 100% view or not. I agree completely--it should have been very clear--and it definitely hasn't been. I don't typically gripe much about buying U2 tix, but on this issue I'm pretty bugged, I must admit. It took me hours to figure this out; I'm sure many others would have been well-served by a clearer description. Especially since it might be easy to assume (which appears to be wrong) that the RZs were by the main stage.
  22. What?? The GA here in the US and Europe so far have sold out instantly--or at least WAY faster than seats. GAs will be very hard to come by--the likely Dublin venue is an arena. So why would it be different in Dublin? I have been wondering if there's a specific issue at certain venues with GA. I had no trouble getting Glasgow GAs in the onsale this morning, even though a payment issue meant I timed out and had to go back to the start of the queue. But I'm hearing that getting GAs at certain venues is near impossible. Maybe it's just that Glasgow isn't that popular though. There are only 5 million people living in Scotland, I suppose, so proportionally there might not be many U2 fans. Though I too would assume that Dublin will be competitive. The only GAs I've heard of that were not basically near-impossible to get today were Glasgow and to some extent LA (probably due to their 4 shows). That's pretty much it, I think--everywhere else has been really tough. And U2 always sells well in Dublin--so I'd bet $$ they will be very difficult.
  23. No, I didn't (buy an RZ ticket)--in part because I spent lots of time (too much!) first trying to figure out where the RZ was. I must confess I was irked that the RZ's location wasn't made clear to begin with. In any case, I'm also fine with its location--it preserves U2's history of regular GA being able to get the best positions of all (which was also true on the 360 tour).
  24. Well, it's possible they might not add more, but both Chicago and Boston sold out within hours, and NYC is now close. I'd say Chicago and Boston in particular are looking good for another pair of shows each...but we'll see, of course!
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