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Everything posted by mike7man

  1. I like your answer better than mine--it's very clear and simple.
  2. I doubt that very much, given that Edge has said that 2016 will be a stadium leg. And even if 2016 turned out to be a (mostly) arena leg, it will again be US & Europe--it's been that way on their tours for many years (including the ones you mention). Also, if the past is any judge (e.g., Vertigo, 360), the "rest of the world" leg will be in 2017, and again mostly stadiums. The general pattern for a long time is 2 US/Europe legs, followed by a "rest of the world" leg.
  3. Sorry, he's one of the moderators (along with Max and Bajagirl) of these forums.
  4. Bigwave said they're working on trying to devise some way to do this (keep in mind this only applies to GA or RZ tix; reserved can be traded freely as before).
  5. What he said. At the same time, I think the RZ will still be a blast. I'm going to try for RZ for Chicago 3 and either NYC 5 or 6 (probably fat chance--this will be in regular onsale).
  6. Not if you try to buy VIP tix in the presale (unless you only bought 1 regular presale ticket--then you could also get 1 VIP). Only 2 tix total per presale code, whatever type they may be. Now, none of that applies once you get to general onsale (at least in the US). There, the limit is 4 (again, of whatever type) on the 1st day.
  7. How did one get inside the CIRCLE in the 360 tour? Thats GA and also the ones outside the circle are GA (in the Vertigo tour tickets were scanned and randomly chosen) First come, first served (for 360). But the circle was huge; you could often show up at 5:00 or 6:00 and still make it in (!). On this (arena) tour, we have no idea (yet) if there will even be something like a circle at all!
  8. Yeah, TM says that, but they can still say that if it's next to the b-stage, which it apparently is. Again, most evidence suggests this: 1) The best, most informative diagrams we have of the stage--see the SAP San Jose diagram from the venue (not TM); see also the Amsterdam diagram, not to mention lots of the other Europe maps (in which the main stage couldn't possibly be where the RZs are), all support this idea; and 2) Lots of people who've gotten "limited visibility" warnings on certain tix at locations which would make no sense if the main stage was by the RZs (i.e., the warnings are mostly for seats at the other end from the RZs). Now, I agree that we don't know for absolute sure, and won't until maybe the shows actually start. But the preponderance of evidence clearly supports that the RZs are not by the main stage. Here's two more pieces of evidence: 1) On the 360 tour, GA could get right by the stage--the RZs were outside of that (i.e., not next to the stage, but rather the outer "heart" catwalk). It's unlikely that U2 wants RZs to be inherently closer to the main stage than regular GA could be; and 2) The RZs only hold 50 on each side; right by the stage would normally have many more folks getting that close. Oh, and finally, if the RZs WERE against the main stage, they could easily sell them for twice the current rate. So yes, we could use some clarity!!
  9. The answer is simple--for serious fans, GA gets you at least as good a view as the best seats, and is way cheaper.
  10. So far, trades are not possible w/GA. Bigwave is working on coming up with some way to do this, and appears confident that some method will be figured out.
  11. When I did the presale just now, I only saw one spot. BUT--major info--when I put the cursor over your name, you're only showing as a free (i.e., not paid) member!! That very likely is the problem. Contact one of the moderators (Bigwave, Max, Bajagirl) through private message immediately with your details (e.g., copy/paste your email from u2.com saying you've paid or whatever).
  12. Obviously, Kristaps is on to something. Contact the moderators (Bigwave, Max, Bajagirl) immediately through PM (private message) with your details.
  13. Actually, my experience has been that you can access your presale code even without verifying your email address. Try loggin in to u2.com (if you've done this successfully, you'll see your username appear where the "sign up/sign in" initially appears at the upper right), then check your account page to make sure your subscription really is current (i.e., if it has been updated properly). Then check the tour page again. If you're current and signed in, you should see your presale code on the tour page. If you're sure you're current and signed in and still no presale code, then contact the mods via PM (e.g., Bigwave, Max, Bajagirl) immediately with your details.
  14. What exactly do you mean? Is it being rejected as invalid? Which show are you trying for? Also, have you used it before? The presale code is only good for 2 tix total.
  15. Almost certainly, nothing. Usually, those numbers are just internal for TM to help keep track of their sales.
  16. Not to ask a potentially stupid question, but did you enter your presale code and click on the little arrow next to that? If not, you're not seeing the tix available in the subsciber presale. Oh, and if you're innocence, you wouldn't be able to access that presale until 12:00 EST anyway.
  17. And to add insult to injury, my friend Joe couldn't use his presale code this morning for the additional presale; he tried numerous times, and got an error stating that the presale code was not valid! Contact the mods (PM somebody like Bigwave) immediately about this. They may be able to help.
  18. I agree. At the very least, it's a serious possibility. That is, 119 is less because it's behind the main stage; 108/109 are full price because they have full view. Plus, if indeed there's a b-stage by the RZs, 108/109 (and that whole end) will have a great view of that as well. Not only that, but if the main stage really were by the RZ, then 108/109 (at least 108) would be behind it--which makes no sense, since 108 is full price. After all, if the main stage is at the 108/109 end, there's no way it'd be facing toward those sections, no? If it did, then most of the arena would be behind the main stage, which makes no sense. And there's no way they'll change the setup from venue to venue. At least, they've never done that before. Finally, it now sounds to you like the box office person you talked to didn't have direct knowledge of the stage setup, but rather (like we are now) was trying to deduce it from indirect evidence. Anyway, I really hope you're able to do GA, since that's your goal! And it's true, with you having seats on both ends, you'll have a great time no matter what.
  19. It's complicated and no one knows for sure--especially since there may be a new allotment (plus those left over from the experience group) released for the innocence group today. Really, all you'd know is you'd have some chance--how much of a chance, hard to tell, but certainly way better than in the general onsale.
  20. I do not think that is logistically possible or am I in the dark of some new technology? It takes a lot to film a dvd. I hope this time that the camera stays put on one shot for more than 3-5 seconds. I hear you. I don't like rapid cuts all the time either.
  21. Yes, ordinarily. But the real problem is that it isn't yet entirely clear where the main stage is. Most likely, it's on the other end from the RZs (see various threads; e.g., Stage Design).
  22. Unfortunately, likely they are behind the main stage. See various threads relating to where the main stage is (e.g., where is the red zone; stage design, etc.).
  23. Just to add to the fun, I got on the Boston Garden website, and it describes the show as "end stage/concert", which means (if you look at their standard end stage map, they don't have a customized U2 map) that the main stage is indeed on the other side from the RZ.
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