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Everything posted by mike7man

  1. Hi Andy-- Yeah. Too bad it took so much sleuthing and cogitating to figure it out, for heaven's sake! Mike
  2. Hi Back!! Congrats on the good tix. Personally, as you know, I would've preferred the 121 or 133 tix instead (unless the ticket rows were quite high), but 218 Row 4 is really, really, nice, no question! And...wait for it...I DID manage, to my amazement, to score an RZ1 ticket for Chicago 3. So, small world, eh? I'll be seeing you in the RZ! We're even on the same side. Mike
  3. You're welcome! Oh, and one thing about TM--they WILL sometimes offer you worse seats before they offer better seats. But, in your case, you got pretty much the best there is (besides even lower rows, of course).
  4. Hi--I have a nice surprise for you. You have fantastic seats--close to the main stage (it's on the other end from the RZ)! The middle section is considerably further away from the main stage, so they're worse. The closer row doesn't make up for the greater distance, IMHO.
  5. If the 360 (stadium) tour was any guide, there will be at least some significant overlap (e.g. Chicago, NY, Toronto, etc.)
  6. I think Martin's basically got it, except I don't think the RZs are "facing" anywhere. They're right up against the b-stage; presumably, in the RZ, you can face anyway you like, no?
  7. Like I say Mike, here in Montreal I could get 4 floors easy for each of both new nights... then again MSG has a 20 million population base, Montreal is only 3 million Oh, sorry, I'm an idiot. Didn't realize you were talking about Montreal!
  8. Hey, who knows. If NYC sells out fast, they might get two more. But it's very unlikely (given that the first 4 shows aren't even completely sold out yet). Chicago's a long shot for a final 2 adds, depending on their sales today as well. I WAS surprised that the 02 didn't get two more. Maybe they're waiting to add that to see if they'll add anything else (like NYC), so they do any final (not counting Dublin) adds at the same time (?)
  9. Not sure. Maybe something like half?
  10. Do that--I know it's tough waiting, but things always develop over time w/these things. And again, it's not like you won't be able to buy on the secondary market later if you have to--you will, and probably for a lower price than now, too!
  11. Where are they? Oh, and I think AmieHark is right--but it was easy to miss that at the time. But, that could have been different at different venues.
  12. Sorry to hear it! How frustrating. If I were you, I wouldn't go to stubhub (or ebay) just yet. I'd suggest posting here (a new topic) that you're looking for 1 GA to whichever show you have in mind. You might try doing the same in the "New York" section in one of the upper threads. And eventually the mods will work something out on this site for trading, selling to each other for face, etc. In any case, I'd definitely NOT buy any tix on the reselling market for a good while--maybe months. Those will be around for a long time; you have time to try to work something out through u2.com and the members.
  13. Wow!! Sounds like they've reduced some of the upper level prices (!); maybe because those were a bit slow to sell in the 1st 4 shows. Can't remember seeing something like this before, though!
  14. That doesn't make any sense. I've been seeing lots of decent seats coming up easily. Make sure you're not on the "see resale only" tab!
  15. MSG GA was showing empty from my end pretty doggone fast. Maybe I'm wrong, but I have the opposite impression--at least were GA is concerned.
  16. You're welcome! Your plan sounds about right--except that if you get offered lousyish stuff on the 5th try, I'd toss 'em and try again. And of course, if you get something pretty good (even if not outstanding) earlier, you may want to pull the trigger then. And as I've said before, decisions about exactly when to pull the trigger can be nerve-wracking. One last thought--you might even want to consider restricting the search to full price 200-level at some point (maybe even from the start). I bet you'd snag some nice, lower-row 200 level seats. And finally, all my advice is just based on my experience and strategizing given a bunch of factors (I also happen to be a professional researcher, which helps), and comes w/no guarantees! Good luck; wish me the same.
  17. If I can't get tomorrow 101-121-122 or 111-112-113 for Chicago...what would you prefer? 102-103, 109-110 or 218-219, 233-234? It is very likely blocks 114-120 would have limit views, no? Also I am afraid to get 113-121 (closer to 114-120) due the same reason. Lets see if general sale tomorrow will be so crazy as last week. I would like too much to get 2 tickets for Chicago 4. Wow. Excellent questions. By the way, one general thing to know is that the seats in each row are numbered "left to right", AS YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE SECTION FROM THE FLOOR. So, looking at the TM map, sections like 121, 122, etc. have numbers going from left to right (e.g., 1 to 22 or whatever), whereas "mirror" sections (e.g., 112, 113) have numbers that (from the perspective of the TM map) go up from right to left. You might want to look at a "blown-up" version of the current (Chicago 1 & 2) maps and hover your cursor around various seats; you'll see what I mean. Why is this important? Because all positions in a row (within a section) are not created equal--they tell you whether they're in the middle of the section or more toward the sections on either side. Also, in general, lower rows are always better (both closer and improve your viewing angle of the stage). So, for example, a low row/high seat number in 112 could easily be better than a higher row/low seat number in 113. Also, I think the entire 113 or 121 sections are safe--I wouldn't worry about those at all if I were you. I'd even consider 120 (w/higher seat numbers) or 114 (w/lower seat numbers) if the row number was low (below 10, say), although these might be slightly risky. And I'd say 115-119 should be avoided for sure; but that under certain circumstances (just mentioned) 120 or 114 could be good. And finally, your main question: If 101/121/122 or 111/112/113 are not possible, I'd go for 218/219 or 233/234 over 102/103 or 109/110 for sure. In fact, I'd seriously consider those upper level areas over 101 or 111. Again, depends on the rows/seat numbers (e.g., high seat numbers in 101 or lower seat numbers in 111 are pretty close to the next-further sections). And 218/219 or 233/234 with a low row number should be pretty darn good. Keep in mind the 200-level overhangs the 100-level to some degree, so lower rows in 200 level are actually closer than some higher rows in corresponding lower bowl sections (although, of course, this is somewhat offset by 200-level being higher). My crystal ball tells me (famous last words) that demand will be significant, but not as strong as for Chicago 1 & 2, which should help. I predict you'll land some nice seats for Chicago 4. I hope I'm right! I'm also hoping I can get something good for Chicago 3! Oh yeah, one last thing. My sense from past experience is that the stage tends to be a bit farther to the left (e.g., in the Chicago diagram) than the TM maps make it appear. This is part of why I think basically everything in 113 or 121 would be fine.
  18. Looks like there's no "circle" this time at all. Re your RZs, lots of data (which took a lot of digging--see, e.g., San Jose SAP venue U2 map above) suggests that the RZs will be by the b-stage (not the main stage). They should still be pretty great, though. I'm going to try for RZ for Chicago 3 tomorrow.
  19. Interesting idea. So I just checked the platinum seats still available (many have already been sold) at 4-5 venues, and a clear pattern emerges. Namely, some platinum seats are closer to to where I've suggested the main stage is, while others are closer to the RZs/b-stage. Tellingly, the ones closer to the main stage are more expensive (in every case I've checked) than the ones closer to the RZs/b-stage. For example, for Madison Square Garden #3 (Weds. July 22), platinum seats in 108 (closer to the main stage, farther from the RZs/b-stage) are $675, while seats in 103 (on the end by the RZs/b-stage) are $450. For Amsterdam, then, it looks like the only platinum seats left are the (relatively!) less expensive ones closer to the RZs/b-stage. Overall, then, the platinum ticket data seems to support the idea that the main stage is on the other end from the RZs/b-stage.
  20. Wow--weird. OK, now I'm confused. I would've thought the "vouchers" were just "thrown in", and would cost nothing, whereas the tix would be where the charges were. On the other hand, for (confusing) bookkeeping reasons, they may break up the listed cost that way. Given what you've said overall, that seems the most likely explanation. Does the total--i.e., 215 euros--match up with what you thought you'd be paying for the VIP package?
  21. Pretty much indefinitely. To confirm this, just refresh the window/tab you have TM open in. Once it reloads, it'll immediately be apparent whether you're still logged in (if not, you won't see your TM name in the upper right).
  22. I hear you--and lots of other folks have been wondering/stressing about this as well. Fortunately, through a lot of sleuthing, I think this has been solved (I disagree w/Kristaps' view). See "Stage Design" and "Rear/Side Stage" threads. Basically, the main stage is on the opposite end from the RZs. The RZs are by a b-stage at that end. The clearest map thus far released is from the San Jose SAP venue (NOT the TM map). See below. See also the Amsterdam map. For more details, see the other threads.
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