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Everything posted by peterferris8

  1. "Blessed is Köln...for we cannot pronounce its name!"
  2. That footage of the ocean with that giant ferry and then the little life raft...beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time.
  3. "Cos I need it now..." There's something about the way Bono delivers that line live that somehow heightens it above and makes it more intense than the studio version...
  4. "Even the greatest stars discover themselves in the looking glass..."
  5. "Say goodbye to your innocence...and welcome to the Superego."
  6. I'm definitely going to cry at that lightbulb sequence. "This is a song...a song for someone. Someone like me..."
  7. Looks like they're interspersing bits of the music video with projections of the band performing.
  8. "If I have learned anything from experience, it is this: it is okay to depend on other people. It is okay to depend on each other."
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