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Everything posted by peterferris8

  1. Bono is giving it some! So glad to hear him singing like a bird once more.
  2. "In the name of democracy, let us all UNITE!" Blackout time!
  3. "Greed has poisoned our souls. It has barricaded the world with hate..."
  4. Less than two months and I'll be in the same room as that stage once more...
  5. I think I speak for everyone when I say PHEW! Glad Bono's alright, hoping he takes proper care of himself for the rest of this run.
  6. https://www.u2.com/news/title/back-on-song-back-to-berlin/news/ "I've seen a great doctor and with his care I’ll be back to full voice for the rest of the tour. So happy and relieved that anything serious has been ruled out. My relief is tempered by the knowledge that the Berlin audience were so inconvenienced. There was an amazing atmosphere in the house, it was going to be one of those unforgettable nights but not for this reason… We can’t wait to get back there on November 13th." - Bono
  7. On a more upbeat note - watching performances from night 1 again and loving. I can only imagine how it must have felt for the band to play Acrobat in the city where they wrote it for the first time. And also, the more I listen to the new version of New Year's Day, the more I love it. Tuning down to play has done wonders - to me it's sounded better than ever since The Joshua Tree tour.
  8. Nothing's come out since last night's statement. Safe to assume that U2.com will get any news to us as quickly as possible, as they did with the 2010 back injury and the 2015 bike crash. Hopefully it won't take the doctors too long to diagnose what's up.
  9. IIRC Bono's voice problems peaked around 97-98 during the Popmart era. I read in U2 By U2 he was diagnosed with nodules on his vocal cords and had to have an operation just so he could keep singing, and his voice was permanently changed after that.
  10. Yeah, Amsterdam '89 I think. But with that one they just cut the set short and skipped straight to 40, I don't think they've ever had to axe a gig this early in the show before.
  11. Also, it's funny how the European legs of IE and EI both mirror each other not just in terms of the show, but that it's during these legs that shows ended up getting cancelled/postponed. ? There was that show in Stockholm on IE that got postponed because of a security breach, and obviously we all know about Paris.
  12. Some footage from tonight. During The Blackout he sounded good, great even. Red Flag Day. At 0:23 you can see the exact moment he realises something's wrong, up to that point it's fine but when he attempts that high note his voice just goes. Props to the crowd for singing so loudly to a song that's less than a year old. Bono explains that he's lost his voice, so the band attempt Beautiful Day with a little help from the audience (seriously, if this is what all U2 audiences in Berlin are like I wanna go!). Afterwards he apologises to the crowd and explains they need to take a break so figure out what's up (and then 40 minutes later it's announced the show gets cancelled.
  13. Was watching footage of last night's show when I saw that tonight's show got axed. Hope Bono's okay and gets the rest he needs. Obviously I'm hoping he's alright for the rest of the tour and for London in a couple of months but completely understand if they have to make cancellations/postponements. Just hoping it's nothing serious. All that said, the show last night looked and sounded incredible. The new intro is fantastic. Super happy to have Red Flag Day back in the set and the other SOE songs sound better with each show. I'm sad to see Staring at the Sun get dropped but Summer of Love sounded excellent. I LOVE the new version of New Year's Day although nothing beats last year's Joshua Tree tour version as far as I'm concerned. All the other parts of the show still push exactly the right buttons. Great show last night, and hope Bono's okay.
  14. Is Edge altering his guitar part on the final verse? Interesting...
  15. I don't know why, but for some reason Adam's bass tone seems to have evolved a bit between 360 & IE/TJT/EI. Sounds more trebly, more distorted at times too.
  16. That feeling when two people embed the same post in the same thread... ???
  17. Adam's bass sounds gnarly here, for a stripped back version.
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