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  1. thanks this worked. I never would have thought to enter them differently.
  2. can anyone explain the correct US phone number format to enter on Ticketek's site. ive tried many versions and get its an invalid format. If I add a + to the front of the number I stop getting the invalid format error but instead get a 'your entry contains non-numeric characters' error.
  3. how Red Flag Day isn't on the set list is beyond me, but maybe they'll add it in Europe. Its an awesome summer time song and should be in heavy rotation on the radio airwaves right about now, imo. Oh well, we don't always get what we want.
  4. Basically the traditional line starts around 4am, where the check-in thugs will stop honoring check-in numbers (unless one of their friends aren't there yet). The venue should only be honoring the order people are lined up when they start handing out wristbands. The check-in thugs may try to get the venue staff to skip people in line if they don't have a check-in number (which confuses and upsets people who have been waiting in line) so it's hard to say exactly how it will be handled at any one venue.
  5. hopefully the stadium sticks by their posted policy and doesn't honor such foolishness.
  6. finz_89

    Beck Reviews?

    What are the opinions on Becks performance so far. Haven't seen any particular comments (though haven't dug too deep on the inter webs to find one).
  7. It all depends on how late late-afternoon is. If it's by 5pm, you'll get great spots. The stage is huge. Anything from the tree stage forward is incredible. The floor doesn't start filling in until about 6.
  8. If you are referring to the doors at the West end of the stadium, they most likely will be closed to better maintain temp and humidity for everyone's comfort.
  9. Unlikely since they won't let anyone line up before 6am day of the show. Now if you showed up at 2am there probably won't be anyone to roust people off the property, but up until 10pm the night before they may. I don't imagine there will be more than a handful (<50) interested in getting there before 6am. With the high amount of rail space, being 50-100 you'll still have your pick of rail space.
  10. Ummm...you can still buy GA from Ticketmaster. Good luck though.
  11. Print at home or CC entry. Almost no venues in the US do snail mail anymore (at least without charging an extra $5-10/ticket)
  12. If you aren't insisting on the best rail tickets, you could get rail along the outer edge of Adams side of the main stage without getting there too early. Make friends with the people around you and they would definitively hold your spots for a bathroom or food run. Though 9 is a bit young for the floor even if you had prime rail positions (some venues restrict floor age but I've not seen anything for USB). It's a long day even if you arrive at 3pm. It will be near 1am or so before you get home. Good luck.
  13. No edits to the JT portion since its the JT tour and have to retain MissS and Ultraviolet since they have substantial other content around those songs. So with those restrictions what would you edit? For me, I'd swap out SBS for Like a Song. It really fits the theme (not that SBS doesn't) but it would be a song people haven't heard for years, and opposed to SBS which isn't a rebel song, LaS is a rebel song!!!
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