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hestia last won the day on September 10 2023

hestia had the most liked content!


134 Excellent


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    Amnesty International 1986
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  1. It's total eclipse day here in the path of totality 🌑 I'm in between moving too. All change is good 😊
  2. hestia


    💔 It's a complicated problem. A failure from The Reagan Administration 'tricle down economics'. Basically the failure of the 'Democratic 'economic system. I can see the whole picture on this as it's easy for me to empathize. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them drink, you have to at least provide the water.
  3. My connection was spotty. Great show! Wow! Paris crowds sound great as the choir!! Bonsois!?
  4. Sunday for me☺ Saturday is taking it to the street at a march for the Climate ??? , then work. See you soon!
  5. ??feeling sad the show is over for today. What an awesome show , tho?? Thanks so much!
  6. Summer of love..woohoo??this is like rounds...summer ..?
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