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Everything posted by Rhi_K

  1. I've put a thread up for Sunday ticket holders
  2. I've put a thread up for Sunday ticket holders
  3. At this rate we will have to hire a venue for our meet! We could play U2 all night long
  4. What an awesome xmas present, does he know you were going to try get him one?
  5. Thinking I might put a GA survival kit together, probably involving pain killers for the sore back that comes with standing around for hours!
  6. Sounds awesome! Now if only I could stop dancing round the room with excitement!
  7. Really great system for the O2, no wondering if the page had crashed whilst waiting, pre-entered details, really pleased. I haven't, but I'm no expecting to yet while it's so busy, just take a screen shot of your receipt just in case
  8. 25th at the O2!! Yessss, congrats to all those who got tix!
  9. I have paid for my a tix and it says on my receipt I have "selected ticketless entry. Your tickets will be mailed to you" I don't understand, do we get a physical ticket or don't we?
  10. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O2-U2 HERE I COME!!

    1. mich40
    2. stanley14


      Great Rhi! congrats! :))

  11. Is feeling really emotional right now!

    1. Rhi_K


      Why has the refresh abr stopped moving and nothings happening??? hope it's just because it's busy

    2. Zhivvy


      it will be. Deep breaths!!!

    3. Rhi_K


      YESSSSS!!! GOT THEM!!!!!

  12. Thanks Mike, never mind, I'll get them myself, don't think my sister would be best pleased if I gave her ticket away
  13. This The Mr want's to buy my tix as part of my xmas present, if he uses his card does it mean he has to be there on the day?
  14. Wheeeeee! got ma code!! Ready for the laughing gas!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. U2LAWoman


      Nothing from email, click on the TOURS page.

    3. Alcon


      What concert are you heading for ? I'm thinking of amsterdam 1st

    4. Rhi_K


      No I noticed it on my account page first, then email. I'll be doing O2 I think, might look at branching out in the general sale, feel a little less wired now, though I'm sure this will change in a couple of hours!

  15. It does stink you're right, I've never heard the term 'nosebleed seat' before, dare I ask why they are called this?
  16. Mods have said to others with similar problems that there is a huge amount of emails to send out today and not to worry you just haven't received them yet, you are all showing as paid subscribers, so your codes will show on the Tours page when the sales launch. I hope this helps, I'm just passing on what I have read elsewhere so don't know any more than this. Good luck to you all
  17. My Mr want's to buy my tickets for me as part of my xmas present, could this be a problem as it's MY credit card that is registered with my U2.com account or is it not a problem if his card is already registered on my TM account?
  18. Goodnight lovely Zootops and good luck for tomorrow :D

  19. This is only the first leg, there will be more in 2016, they have said all along they plan to tour for 2 years and there are normally dates added
  20. One of them is probably just a general venue layout and has not yet been specified to the U2 gigs
  21. It's crazy in here man!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. pain_18_


      This place is Insane, Isn't it? Or as my pals from looney tunes would say: Silly, Isn't he ?

    3. Rhi_K
    4. pain_18_


      Or If some Elmer Fud throws a The Fly CD at Sylvester 'cause he's singing in the night..He'll get the REturn of the Fly CD slapped back at him through the window !!!

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