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Everything posted by Rhi_K

  1. Community, family, tolerance and unity = LOVE. Love does not discriminate - I believe in love :)

  2. This is 'hypothetically' a fantastic idea, I think it extremely unlikely I would be able to attend this imaginary event simply because I have a young family I cannot just drop at a moments notice and I'm not rolling in enough cash to just jump on a train/plane (it's taken me 12mths to save for this tour). So live stream and DVD sub gift would be awesome. But if by some chance it came about that it ever happened and I was in a position to attend I would hope that the band would not consider me less of a fan simply because A. I am to young to have been a shameless fan girl in the 80s (I've been hanging off the bands every sound since I was a little girl but one cannot account for the time your own conception!) and B. Have only recently had the disposable income to afford a subscription (no i'm not less committed, just less well off than some). But I'm sure they wouldn't, I do not think that would be in the spirit of U2 and everything they stand for. If I had a choice over the where, then of course maybe the Civic/Wulfrun in Wolves (never going to happen I know, but it's practically in my back yard ) small but big enough to get plenty of happy Zootops in, I would enjoy getting together with so many Zootops as much as I would enjoy seeing the band. If I had a choice over the when then give me a few weeks notice and rough idea of location, so I can financially and practically prepare (no reason we couldn't be given a specific location then bus us to the real location if secrecy is an issue, depending on numbers of course). If I had a choice of playlist, I would take anything just for the opportunity, but I'd give my right arm to see Gloria and some super rarities. Ticket allocation, my heart says let me bring my sister who is as big a fan as any of us but simply does not have the means pay a subscription fee, but my head says well at some point this turns into a stadium gig so you have to stop somewhere, I would want a much more intimate setting. Only way round that would be to do a lot in many locations, which is highly unlikely. Last of all, I just want the boys and as many Zootops as possible to sign my t-shirt so I will have something to mark an unforgettable experience, love this big U2 family
  3. Here have gif from us...perhaps we shall arrange a GA flash mob for some gigs for you
  4. This is me singing the mods praises too, you guys are awesome. I've had no real issues myself, but the amount of time and energy I have seen you all pour into this over the past week has been amazing!! Your efforts have also meant that Zootops have been well informed and able to help each other, I hope this has lightened your load a little, you all deserve it. THANKS GUYS!!
  5. Do they serve marmalade sandwiches for lunch
  6. I went with an Ibis right across the river from the O2, transport to arena via tube or riverboat from Canary Wharf. I wasn't to fussed on quality, I just want a bed to sleep in, was £85 for a twin or double room. Not as cheap as others but thought I'd pop it here seen as it was under £100 and the cheaper places will be booked up eventually
  7. HELP PLEASE! Downloaded FOI from ITunes and it's not in my purhases or library, have I made a mistake with release date?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. pain_18_


      ...It must be their fault !!! Something's wrong down on their line !

    3. bagdifo


      downloaded it through itunes on the 9th without a problem, infact with the same purchase i have it on two computers and my phone

    4. Rhi_K


      It hasn't appeared and no payment has left my account, so I can only assume there was some kind of glitch and the transaction didn't go through.

      I'll give it another day to be sure, if there is still no sign of it I will try again.

      Can't have to many bagdifo :)

  8. Yeah me too, should really be Birmingham or Manchester, it's on the way to Glasgow anyway
  9. This is a very very sad story and one of last places I would expect to see this kind of behaviour. My disabled son desperately wants to do a show with me and I do not want to fear taking him, to what I know would be a truly amazing experience for him as one of the next generation to take U2 into their hearts. I am so glad you raised this and will do my bit when the time comes (though let's hope nobody has to). Perhaps U2.com could also make venues aware of this issue and encourage them to make clear the sort of behaviour that is expected, no person who behaves in this manner toward anyone, whether it is a person with a disability or not, should be allowed entry. Not only does it ruin the experience of the good and decent fans, but no venue should be seen to allow this sort of thing to happen and it is most certainly not in the spirit of what I have always felt being a U2 fan is all about. Through their work they inadvertently created a community of people all over the world, who should uphold and be an example of the values that I like to think we stand for. Perhaps I am naive, I do know that you can find people like this anywhere, but it is very sad to see it here.
  10. I was looking at this earlier actually, I'm closer by tube but this is definitely a more interesting way to get around, especially seen as I haven't been to London for so many years. So I may call on you at a later date about this, I know I'd have to get on at Canary wharf, I'm sincerely hoping my sister remembers her way around a bit lol
  11. Indeed, I've gone with night one and night two to be on the safe side
  12. Me too, got tix for 25th and 26th and NOT trying for anymore babies lol. Couldn't do 360 for this reason, not again lol
  13. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    Me too van, I'd have considered RZ, but I wasn't really happy with that either, it's a big risk, he has high functioning autism/aspergers, so being in that kind of setting could ruin the whole thing for him, I won't take him unless he can have a seat out of the crush. He is really unimpressed that I'm going without him at the moment! Fingers crossed, now I have to decide if I will drag him to London after all, he really want's to see Big Ben anyway lol
  14. Never been to the O2, so I suppose I will find out Congrats on your tickets guys! I managed to pick up 2 GA's for Monday this morning, so I'll be doing both shows, I'm dead chuffed Just realised that I wrote 'big hug' instead of 'big hub' on my previous post lol, but U2 tix do feel like a big hug right noww
  15. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    My 7yr old wants to go too, but I'm waiting to see if any venues closer to home come about for 2016, I don't really want to cart him all the way down to London
  16. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    Now that's some luck! congrats mystacon
  17. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    half of GA is still highlighted for the 30th but then it says you not available Ah so looks like you can't trust the diagram...what a nightmare!
  18. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    I think that was they key, being in the waiting room nice and early, I went in at 8.30 to be on the safe side and was checked out by 9.02. Let us know how it goes guys, good luck
  19. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    Keep trying celia, if they are drip feeding you may get lucky
  20. Never had a more pleasant buying experience, so glad London dates were through AXS rather than TM, I managed to get 2 GA for Sunday within 2 mins during presale and 2 GA for 26th this morning within 2 mins again, really feel for those who've had so much trouble, they should really be using more vendors to reduce the pressure on each system
  21. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    GA wasn't sold out in pre-sale, I managed to get 2 for 26th this morning, I just looked and half of GA is still highlighted for 26th and all highlighted for 25th, obviously I didn't go all the way through, don't want to clog up the system, but that's what it showed me
  22. Rhi_K

    Sold out London?

    Keep trying, some people have had to have multiple browsers open, good luck!
  23. As long as you're not trying to get more than 4 it shouldn't be a problem, keep trying, good luck
  24. In waiting room again...nervous again...excited again...what day is it?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. rhjannink


      Great. I have tickets for Amsterdam . Have a goed show

    3. mich40



    4. Rhi_K


      And to you guys too, this is my first U2 gig as a Zootop, really looking forward to meeting some folks :)

  25. I'm a bit closer, I'm travelling from Telford, so Bhams my nearest big hug, haven't been down to London for many years, I'm a bit daunted by it actually. I went with Sunday because I know some other Zootops doing the same night and quite fancied a meet up. I'm actually hoping we get some Manchester dates at some point, maybe when they come back round after SOE is released, my son really wants to go but I don't really want to cart him down to London, plus he'd need to be in the stands and I really want to do a couple of dates how it's supposed to be done ;-)
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