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Everything posted by dermo

  1. Yes you'll get an email a few days before the show
  2. I hate having to deal with them and give them my hard earned money. Unfortunately as the band are so closely linked with them it would appear to me when it comes to U2 we are stuck with these legal touts. What they are doing with seatwave is a disgrace.
  3. The more I look at seatwave on ticketmaster the more annoyed I get. They are facilitating touts and adding a ridiculous booking fee so they can fleece fans too. Currently the cheapest tickets on seatwave for Saturday in Dublin are €1100for a pair plus €199.98 booking fee. Now Ticketmaster can dress this up any way they want by talking about supply and demand, sellers setting the price, passionate staff and ticketintegrity but it is just not right and ultimately it does reflect poorly on the band.
  4. It's such a shame to say the least to see how many tickets that are on Ticketmasters seatwave and the prices being quoted
  5. Just wondering if you can tell me if there will be internet or postal address restrictions on the Ireland presales. I'm from Ireland but am in Amsterdam for a few days so hopefully trying to buy from here wont be a problem!
  6. Surely you would go to Belfast if there was no Dublin gig? Absolutley! It's just Dublin is a 90 mile drive for me where Belfast would be 200
  7. I have said it previously and I still believe that there will be at least some of the ticket sales limited to Ireland if/when the shows are announced.
  8. Nearly there http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/u2-to-tour-ireland-at-end-of-november-bono-confirms-1.2342322
  9. Please not Belfast and no Dublin! http://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/the-edge-u2-trying-to-take-world-tour-to-ireland-1.2341956
  10. So it's a definitely maybe for Dublin! http://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/europe/u2-eye-potential-dublin-dates-ahead-of-turin-performance-1.2340682
  11. 'Rumours' of November dates today! http://www.tv3.ie/xpose/article/entertainment-news/177144/U2-reportedly-set-to-play-Dublin-in-November The 'source' is The Sun mind.
  12. I am aware that Red Zone is not supposed to get a gift and that the money is going to charity and was happy to be able to make my contribution. I was aware of this before I bought my Vancouver Red Zone tickets. Not withstanding all that I believe I am entitled to expect to get what I pay for which I did not. It seems the Red Zone experienece has been delivering what was promised as the tour has progressed but this was certinaly not the case in Vancouver on 14 May, hence my comment in relation to the thread title that the same can be said for Red Zone in Vancouver. As I have said elsewhere ultimately it is about the music for me and it was a brilliant show but I pushed the boat out for my Red Zone tickets as a special treat and I was left disappointed that I did not get what I paid for and feel I would have had the same experience in GA.
  13. I cant't believe that it is now almost 3 weeks since the Vancouver shows. To attend the first night of a U2 tour has been something I have wanted to do for many years. For me it's always firstly about the songs and then the show and both nights were superb. Anything else is just extra detail that I can take or leave. However, having been in the RZ for the first night I was/am somewhat disappointed with what I got for my not inexpensive ticket and would have to say that there is little if any difference between the RZ & GA experiences. I was also disappointed with the way the 'draw' for the back stage tour was handled. But like I already said ultimately for me it's all about the music so it is hard to be too disappointed by the rest.
  14. Nevermind Dublin & the 3 Arena if they are really wanting to go back to their 'Innocence' tour the country starting with the National Opera House in Wexford !!! If you're reading lads I bags the first ticket for coming up with the idea!
  15. I would have to say that from my experience U2 DO get overly critiqued here at home. Like I said maybe it's just old fashioned Irish begrudgery and the sense of people gettng too big for the boots but it is there and when Dublin dates are eventually announced it will be evident
  16. I doubt they would hold some tickets back just for Ireland after people have saved their code especially for Dublin dates, although anything is possible. Not sure why u2 will get criticised from with'in Ireland?, what's it got to do with politicians?, i don't get it. Maybe people living in Ireland will understand my points a bit better. Regarding some tickets only being available in Ireland there is a prededent for this. As far as I can recall the third Croke Park date of the Vertigo tour was announced at 9 am on a Saturday morning and tickets went on sale at the same time as the announcement. For the first couple of hours at least tickets could only be bought through ticketmaster outlets and not online. U2 will always be criticised within Ireland be it for ticket prices, lack of dates, tax dodging, Bono preaching, the list is endless. Some of it will be down to good old fashioned Irish begrudgery, some will probably be justified but there will certainly be no lack of it. Finally there will always be an Irish politician ready to make a public statement on any or all of the afore mentioned criticisms and offering to mediate where problems arise
  17. I have already said something similar in another thread. Whatever happens when Dublin dates are eventually announced U2 will face lots of criticism from within Ireland alone (don't be surprised if / when ploiticians get involved) hence the delays. I also would not be surprised if a plan is put in place to make at least some tickets only available in Ireland.
  18. Since there are no current pre-sales announced, what do you need it for?! I mean, if they announce new dates and it isn't showing up, then sure, valid complaint. It is not a complaint, it is a comment on what appears to be a perennial issue with poor communication and customer service with regards U2/Live Nation. FYI ,my comment in the other thread is as follows: 'At best this is poor form and at worst it shows a total disregard for U2 fans/customers somewhere in the U2/Live Nation set up. Much as I hate to say it but too often too many people are being let down and lessons never seem to be learned from past mistakes and fiascos'.
  19. If/when the announcement of the Dublin dates is made it has the potential to be a PR minefield for U2. The naysayers will be gathering and chomping at the bit to comment on anything from ticket prices, proximity to Christmas, insufficient dates, lack of tickets for Irish fans, hotel prices, the free download (again) etc etc. Maybe just ,maybe this is part of the reason for the delay in announcing dates. They may even be putting in place measures to make tickets only available to purchase in Ireland which of course would lead to more complaints.
  20. Todays Sunday World has a story claiming 5 Dublin dates in late November / early Devember to be announced soon.
  21. My comment in the thread about disappearing pre-sale codes could also apply here. At best poor form and at worst a disregard for U2 fans/customers somewhere in the U2 / Live Nation set up!
  22. I managed to book 2 redzone for the first Vancouver show from Ireland. It took about 4 minutes. Before I logged on to ticketmaster I deleted the full history from Internet Explorer. I don't know if this helped but it didn't do any harm. Hopefully this will be of some help to others. Good luck
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