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Everything posted by BigBunny

  1. I saw 'The Hobbit' TBOTFA today, 3.5/5. hoping the extended edition will improve it \m/

  2. I watched 'The Grand Budapest Hotel' today. Ralph Fiennes is so funny! >=:)

    1. jenmusic


      Great Movie!!! I loved that everything is so symmetrical :D

    2. BigBunny


      I love the purple jackets. and Medels pastry :P I wanted to eat the screen.

  3. misheard lyrics on TIWYCRMN 'old man know how to cheat at mission' o_O just looked it up, oh ambition >=:P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anjana


      on Volcano he sings 'I'm so glad the pasties have gone':D

    3. pain_18_


      Of course they are...I just ate everything!!!

    4. pain_18_
  4. thank you for the U2 postcard Niki! >=:)

  5. tinsel and more tinsel! can't get enough of the stuff >=:)

    1. chris1043


      I love Christmas time!! Do you like colored lights or white ones?

    2. utwothefly


      lovey dovey stuff you mean lol

    3. BigBunny


      I like lights that do the crazy dance stuff o_O woah that's right fly guy, discoteque!

  6. I remember when I was wanting to get Springsteen tickets for my brother here in Perth. I reported so many tickets to ebay and yet they just relisted them thankfully for my brother I managed to get him fantastic seats, $230 each. when I got em I was like wtf? because alot of people missed out.
  7. *jealous!* was that for the dvd for 'reaLliTY' ? I'd be in it if the gig was in AUSTRALIA edit: for their 30th Anniversary MetallicA did 4 shows for Metclubbers and if you could go you entered a lottery. you either won a ticket for all 4 shows, or for 1 or 2 shows. alot of people swapped tickets so they could go to all of them. their were guests every night and U2 did a congrats video for them which I find really funny.
  8. I can't remember if I was rude about your hubby... I think I just thought he could try and help out like 2 of my relatives do. glad he's a great hubby, congrats on the 28 years together
  9. I didn't read your whole post (it's late, about to go to sleep) but I want to say that I'm so sorry that you had a bad experience on the 360 tour. whoever treats disabled fans with disrespect are absolute low lifes
  10. with all the problems zootops are having with tickets, maybe U2 should stick to stadiums.

    1. exist


      I think so too! Or change the site thst sells their tix!


    2. pain_18_


      Agreed to both of you...Your suggestions should be put to practice !

    3. K5Jon


      I believe they are going back to stadiums for the 2016 leg, but I don't think that will solve any issues.

  11. as someone who has to take one day at a time just to function, don't be upset if you miss out on U2 tickets. God Bless.

  12. I know it can be stressful trying to get U2 tickets, but as someone who needs medication to function in public (I have ptsd) I find your post a bit over the top, maybe my sense of humour is not what it used to be.
  13. eXPERIENCE is my level, alright! only thing is no shows in OZ, time to wait.

  14. agreed. the OP is obviously upset and from reading the post it sounds like the husband could be more helpful. last month I needed the help of my brother & mum to see my favourite guitarist live (Joe Satriani). I don't drive and though my disability doe's not stop me from moving, it can affect how I behave. I hope the OP can work something out.
  15. Australia waited 8 years between the Pomart & Vertigo tours & my city of Perth waited 13 years between Popmart (yes, the crowd was shite) & 360.
  16. no Aussie dates >=:/ the best is always left till last

  17. where's the My Account button gone?

    1. pain_18_


      Where the I CAN Renew button ?

  18. ticked off that 'The Concert For VALOR' isn't being aired here in Australia :/

  19. if I was an X-Men, I'd want Quicksilver's ability... or Nightcrawlers.

    1. Anjana


      I'd want a power that made them laugh!! especially Wolverine, very serious indeed lol

    2. BigBunny


      Logan has a good one liner in X-Men First Class

  20. listening to disc 2 of SOI >=:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BigBunny


      you'll love it. I just wish they'd put the remix of 'The Crystal Ballroom' on cd 2, more to dance too >=:)

    3. Anjana


      can't wait to get it:D at last I can turn it up full blast!! It might get loud!!

    4. oscarsear


      Got mine today. Disc 2 is brilliant. Love the acoustic versions.

  21. looking forward to getting the physical cd's of SOI this week >=:)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. pain_18_


      This is so Unfair!!! Haven't you told them you won't put it on a torrent site if they sell you your copy???

    3. BigBunny


      it's the 10th here now but I can't get to the store today :/

    4. pain_18_


      I feel you...

  22. the best stage I've ever seen and I didn't see the concert's live is MetallicA's 'Through The Never' stage. I think they only did 10 shows on it, 5 in Mexico & then they did the film in Canada. I saw 360 live and I thought nothing could beat it until I got my Blu-Ray of TTN Tesla coils are the sh*t!!
  23. we didn't have an arena for 11 years and missed many bands doing shows here because of it the government closed our old Entertainment Centre in 2001 and the new arena was suppose to be ready by 2009. it went over budget (500 million) & opened in 2012, three years late. having said that, I saw Springsteen at the new Perth Arena in February and the venue is fantastic!! just too bad it wasn't built on schedule.
  24. Perth has a brand new arena fellas, the Boss did 3 shows there earlier this year. come on down
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