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Everything posted by mich40

  1. It must be nice to be in Nice right now.

    1. pain_18_


      It's a rumor !!!

  2. Oh Captain, my captain...RIP Robin Williams.

    1. Alma1


      Yes. My thoughts exactly. "O Captain! My Captain." & "R.I.P."

  3. Happy Birthday, Mr. The Edge!!!

  4. Sleep.....why have you become so elusive recently?

    1. Anjana


      It's not here either:(

    2. pain_18_


      Not here either !

  5. Light-headed feeling, heart starting to race.....oh a picture! But, yeah, where in the world did Pebs take him?
  6. Oi!! I will force feed you cheese and onion crisps if you're not nice to me y'know! Now to Chris, nice to meet you, not surprised to see you in here, knew it was a matter of time really since we seem to chat about Coldplay more than U2 these days. You must have been listening to rock from a very early age if you liked U2 from the early 80's - were you put off from going to meet ups because you were still in a pram them/barely walking? I s'pose you could gurgle along to the songs. Are people still mixing you up with James Morrison btw? PS. We will always judge you lol Hi I am 45 years old so I'm quite old in terms of being a U2 fan, I actually don't like Coldplay and I get comments thrown at me about my name but I am not as mundane and boring as THE Chris Martin. As I said before I never went to meet up's because I have seen first hand how some U2 fans can be horribly obsessive and it really puts me off going to things out with concerts when it comes to U2 I'm sad to say, I have met the band a few times as I said before and have to say the behaviour from some U2 fans leaves a lot to be desired. Welcome Chris. And I just want to say that I'm not the least bit obsessed with Larry at all. Just saying....
  7. Having serious 360 withdrawals tonight. 3 years ago, Chicago, my favorite show ever.

  8. School's out for summer! Chill time!

  9. NLOTH is one of my favorite "it's warm, I've got the windows open, gonna play this loud" albums.

  10. Going to go hear Steve Stockman, author of Walk On: The Spiritual Journey of U2, speak in just a bit. Really looking forward to it.

    1. Malahide


      I have that book, but never managed to read it until now. Was it a good speech?

    2. mich40


      It really was. It was 1 1/2 hours, but I wish it had been longer b/c he barely scratched the surface of things. But I did enjoy it and he even signed my book for me.

    3. Malahide


      Cool. A presbyterian minister giving autographs.

  11. Who are all these people having birthdays today and why is mine not showing up? pfft....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sugrue


      Happy Birthday

    3. mich40


      Thank you all!


    4. Anjana


      I missed your birthday Mich, sorry! Happy belated wishes, hope you had a goodie x

  12. We'll shine like stars in the summer nights, we'll shine like stars in the winter nights, One Heart, one hope, one love...

  13. Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone!

  14. Done with the speculation and rumours. Listening to the Joshua Tree boxset instead. Truth: Best.B-side songs. EVER!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mich40


      Yes, and I love those too, but my favorite ones are from Joshua Tree and Rattle and Hum. If they hadn't done Fortunate Son, AB b-sides may have won. :P


    3. pain_18_


      Hehe ! :D Enjoy, Mich !

    4. febottini


      JT: When I fell in love with U2

  15. Not what I wanted to hear.....

  16. Just looked at the calendar and now I'm reminiscing about 21 years ago on this date. I boarded a bus with about 60 like-minded people headed for The Omni in Atlanta. The Pixies opened. Then those four boys from Dublin blew me away for the first of many times to come.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pain_18_


      I was 4 back then...

    3. mich40


      Now I feel REALLY old!

    4. pain_18_


      I didn't mean to drag the discussion into that zone...I am amazed, myself, of how the time passes...It feels like it was yesterday when I was a child at my grandparents' house ... making the first steps into the garden full of flowers and trees and......

  17. Is it just me, or has the layout of the Zoo changed?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pain_18_


      The page is straight and wide...My brother and I would navigated it for hours..like we had years instead of days...

    3. pain_18_


      The page is straight and wide...My brother and I would navigate it for hours..like we had years instead of days...Our faces as pale as the dirty sow...

    4. pain_18_


      Once I thought U2 loved this site...Then came a time U2 knew it not...Who can forgive forgiveness where forgiveness is not

      Only the band as white as snow

  18. Wow, wow, wow and wow!!!!

    1. sugrue


      I am not invisible

      I am here :-)


  19. I’m more than you know. I’m more than you see here. More than you let me be.

  20. I LOVE IT!!!!

    1. Anjana


      some parts remind me of other songs I can't identify!!

    2. mich40


      Reminds me of Beautiful Day and Are You Going To Wait Forever.


  21. moo, baa, la la la

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mich40
    3. pain_18_


      Woof, Woof !

    4. pain_18_


      Shu-Shaaa, Ziim-Zuum-Zaaa, Raa-Raaa-Raaa, Ahh-Cha-cha-cha-cha !!!

  22. It's cold outside

    1. febottini


      So hot in here. I´m melting.

  23. May everyone have a blessed new year!

    1. pain_18_
    2. Anjana


      Happy New Year Mich xx

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