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Everything posted by peterferris8

  1. Bono just gave a shoutout to the Zootops! "These last 4 years have been something very special for us, and we're going away now. Thank you for those that follow us from all over the world..."
  2. Bono can't get a word in because the audience won't stop singing!
  3. I want this song played again in the future. So badly.
  4. "It turns out sticking together is the thing. Is that not right, Edge? Is that not right, Larry? Is that not right, Adam?"
  5. I wasn't keen on Muse's new album if I'm honest. I'm into a lot of smaller bands these days - bands who've just released their first/second album and are playing the same size venues U2 were playing 40 years ago. They face a lot of challenges though, as many of these small venues in the UK are being threatened with closure.
  6. "Women of the world, take over, because if you don't the world will come to an end. And it won't take long."
  7. For me I usually distract myself with music by my other favourite bands. Other stuff too. But it always comes back to this band. They're a part of us.
  8. He did indeed! He's not wrong to be fair, new knowledge squeezes old stuff out of your brain. I can't remember half the stuff I learned in school. You might say I knew much more then than I do now. ?
  9. It sounds more like sadness, with all the turmoil going on in Europe currently (especially here in the UK). Then COBL comes in and provides, well, you know, light!
  10. Clapping along in my little flat. "Maybe the time is right, maybe tonight..."
  11. Though this tour may be ending, in a few years' time we will be with U2 again.
  12. A year ago this month, they announced the tour and released this song...I was instantly in love. Still am now. Classic U2, exactly the kind of positive, upbeat anthem we need right now.
  13. Bono talking about MLK...keeping America in my thoughts.
  14. The album was released 11 months ago and it took me THAT LONG to realise the link between this song and California on SOI. Note how in both songs, on the chorus, Bono sings the word "love" with almost the exact same melody.
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