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Everything posted by peterferris8

  1. Some guy on this Mixlr is moaning about the show...in the middle of the show.
  2. "Gonna try and find Iris tonight...gonna recover some memories."
  3. Hah, they included the footage of the Trump balloon flying over London!
  4. With Charlie Chaplin's speech from The Great Dictator!
  5. OH. It's Love Is All We Have Left mashed up with the Zooropa intro!
  6. Lots of cheers. Sounds like the band are entering the barricage!
  7. I watched the footage from night 1 in Montreal and he properly let loose. In retrospect even the terror-inducing speeches he's been making up to now haven't quite been fully unhinged but on night 1, the first night of the tour outside the US, he went full savage and let rip on Trump's America with no filter. Hearing him drop those 2 f-bombs was music to my ears! Here's the Montreal #1 speech for the benefit of anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
  8. Just been watching the videos, these two shows looked and sounded amazing! MacPhisto's speech on night 1 was utter savagery...
  9. I've just watched this - there's a certain malevolence to Zoo TV MacPhisto but none of the full-on insanity possessed by Experience Macphisto. Interested to compare and contrast the two. Age brings a spot of bother...
  10. Just for the benefit of someone like me who wasn't alive when Zoo TV happened, does anyone who saw that tour remember MacPhisto being this frightening?! Judging from the Live in Sydney DVD he seemed like a bit of a playful character, but so far on this tour he seems utterly insane and quite a scary person. I can't wait for London!
  11. Just been watching this clip here from night 2 - if you watch to the end and listen carefully, at the end Bono speaks some of the lyrics from Walk On. Nice.
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