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Everything posted by mike7man

  1. Again, don't worry about MSG--there's no CCE thing there, so no worries. And I think you've basically got it right, but keep in mind that e-tix are NOT the same as the CCE thing. Getting e-tix is simply a form of delivery for (non-CCE) tix; you can also have hard tix mailed to instead (again, if non-CCE). People are complaining about the CCE tix, not the e-tix--with the latter, no issues with trading them, giving them to others, whatever!
  2. It (the "household" thing) is NOT written in the US ticket limit sections; I have seen it in some of the UK TM ticket limit sections. Actually, the US TM sections say "2 per person". Look at the sections yourself and see. I wouldn't hold your breath on getting them to be reasonable, however.
  3. Good luck, Lori. You should private message the moderators (Bigwave, Max, or Bajagirl) about this, and they may be able to help. Your big mistake was using the same TM account to place both orders--that's exactly the kind of thing that would make TM nervous. Also, for future reference, use two different TM accounts with different credit cards associated w/each. Again, contact the moderators, and good luck!
  4. Yeah, I think Andy's got it right. Plus, the RZs are tiny--no way they'd be rattling around in that much space (plus, how would they be able to get in and out?)
  5. No problem. You're obviously really psyched about seeing U2, and that's always a pleasure to see! Will this tour be the first time you've seen them?
  6. Yes, CCE is the abbreviation for credit card entry--which, at all US venues EXCEPT for MSG, is the only kind of GA tix (i.e., the buyer him/her self has to actually be at the show, and show their credit card used to buy tix to get in). The thing about CCE tix is that you can't trade them, sell them, give them to other people (except folks going with you), etc., so they really lock you in, if you see what I mean. Lots of people are aggravated about them because they're a lot less convenient to deal/work with (e.g., people can't give them as presents or whatever; or if you can't make it, pretty much tough luck). And hey, I don't mean to dissuade you from asking questions! I just got a little persnickety when I'd already answered your question (where you originally posted it before). I was asking you to keep track of where you post questions, not to refrain from asking them. Sorry if I sounded a bit harsh.
  7. Probably vouchers. Definitely not tickets, or that would be obvious. Plus, you can check your TM account to see your order history/how much you paid.
  8. Perenelle, no offense, but it'd be nice if you kept track of things a bit better. As I've already explained (in your other thread), MSG has no CCE at all, so nothing to think about there. Whatever tickets (including GA) that you may able to get from MSG on Monday, you'll have the option to have them mailed to you (as hard tix) or emailed to you as e-tix that you can print out at home.
  9. Keep in mind that many 200 level seats are full price (basically, almost all of the good ones). Those would cost you as much as the scalped GAs. If you can get them, you can go for cheaper seats, of course--but those will be so-so, comparatively speaking.
  10. Don't hold your breath on being able to use ticket transfer. That would lift CCE entirely, which I don't think U2 management is going to do. The SECOND option you mention, however, would help a lot of people and is perhaps more possible (at least for family members or something).
  11. Your best shot is to jump on the 6/28 general onsale (the "first" show of the new, added pair, to match your current 2nd show tickets for Chicago 1 & 2). Getting GA will be difficult (although you may get lucky), but I predict it won't be too hard to get decent reserved seats (albeit pricey!). I think there's basically no chance that Chicago will get any additional shows beyond the ones just added (i.e., just 4 in all). Alternatively, you could take a deep breath and buy reserved tix from scalpers for Chicago 1 (6/24). If you look carefully, you'll probably be able to get some that aren't too badly marked up. Some of that depends on your timeframe--prices will come down as the show approaches.
  12. It's clearly not kosher--but will probably work. The venues are very unlikely to be actually checking IDs--they'll probably just run your CC.
  13. CCE is "credit card entry". I won't explain further, because it's not relevant to you--as I explained above, MSG has no CCE tickets. They're all hard tix, end of story, so you can print them (as e-tix) or whatever. It depends on which option you chose when you bought them (i.e., whether to have hard tix mailed to you or to get e-tix emailed to you that you can print out at home)>
  14. The only hard GA tix in the US are at MSG, because New York does not allow paperless tix at all. So, if you've got US GA tix, unless they're MSG, you won't be able to print them (they will be CCE). Some scalpers, even at non-MSG venues, have evidently obtained "disposable" credit cards and say they'll send you the CC along w/the GA tix. Other scalpers will actually be going to the show themselves, and buyers will meet them at the show and go in with them as part of their party. And of course, if you're talking about reserved seats, those aren't CCE anywhere, so there's no issues there for scalpers.
  15. Usually the sound check is sometime in the mid/late afternoon; they usually arrive sometime in the mid-afternoon.
  16. In another thread, I posted that I actually called the San Jose SAP arena, and was told by a very helpful person that yes, the main stage is on the right (on the venue map, which is reversed from the TM map--see below), and the b-stage on the left--just what it looks like. She further told me that their (venue) map was based directly on what U2 production had sent the venue. Given all this, and the significant detail on the SAP map (and hey, is SAP just going to make all that detail up? very unlikely), yes, I think the whole stage setup/where's the RZs question is resolved (especially when taking into account the European "horseshoe" arena maps which are also consistent w/this--especially Amsterdam).
  17. It's nerve-wracking, but I bet something eventually gets worked out for this.
  18. That totally sucks! But for what it's worth, it's the first time I've ever heard of something like this happening.
  19. Saving time (re waiting in line) is the big thing, plus the option of staying in the RZ for more comfort, convenience, etc. For stadiums (e.g., 360) , the RZ actually didn't save much time--to my surprise, you could get there at 5 or even sometimes 6 in regular GA and still get into the ellipse. For arenas, the time-saving aspect could be truly major.
  20. mike7man

    Why the gap?

    Almost certainly, for rest purposes--especially to give Bono's voice regular breaks.
  21. Well, I looked at the Toronto map, and realized there is no 200 level (in effect, the 300 level is the 200 level). So it's not quite as bad as I first thought upon reading your post. That said, I still basically agree with you--pricing is way too high on this tour, especially with way too many seats being top price.
  22. I'd guess (and it's obviously just a guess) that U2 management did come up w/the CCE thing, thinking it would help cut down on scalping (which it will), but without really realizing the very large downsides that everyone has been talking about. So, when the U2.com folks/mods realized these problems, they admirably got to work trying to figure a workaround. And like economicformula just said, the U2.com people aren't really U2 management; it's not like U2.com had anything to do w/these policies.
  23. Actually, ebay in the US does still sell tickets on their site. Don't know about the UK--
  24. Wow. That's even worse than any US venue that I know of (i.e., full price tix in the 300 level!!). In general, the prices this time are just too high (mainly too many full price tix), but this really takes the cake.
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