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Everything posted by passenger789

  1. Yeah, the bickering that went on over this whole thing does seem a bit petty now, in retrospect. However we may have felt about the idea of dividing fans and making them compete against one another for a once-in-a-lifetime shot of being immortalized on film with the band, recent events really re-emphasize just how incredibly lucky we are that they do this at all. Pulling a fan up on stage is risky even when we're NOT taking potential security issues into account. So many things could go wrong up there... The fan could freeze and spoil the momentum, could throw up all over the stage, could fall off the stage, could slip from Bono's fingers whilst being spun about, and so on. The fact that U2 have brought so many different people up to interact with them so consistently on this tour, despite the myriad possible risks involved, speaks not only to their generosity, but to their fearlessness, too. If additional legs are added to this tour (fingers crossed for that!), I hope they keep it up. It is such an honour and a privilege to share the stage with them. Hey Folks, I would have wrote what i did, about people getting a grip, before the Paris tragedy, I just happened to fall on this topic after.... I had'nt been checking out the Zoo much lately, if I had before Friday I would have wrote the same thing.... I can't believe people whinning so much about something like that... talk about a 1st world problem ... I think it has to do with the U2 fan base getting really old, bunch of Grumpy Old Men & Ladies lollll .... I don't see people doing that ''back in the day'' of their 20's & early 30's .... then again, I could be wrong, it's been known to happen Cheers!!
  2. In all this discussion, we need to ask the most relevant questions to this situation.... Do you think the Boyz feel like playing the next night, or the second to next night, after this?? Where most of the carnage happened a few blocks away from the Bercy Arena? I don't think so..... these 4 men are too sensitive & reasonable to imagine they can heal part of this pain in this city at this time..... I'm sure they don't feel they are worthy or important enough to imagine they could help Parisians heal this the next day or the day after that. They know their limits with regards to something like this... I think they'll feel like taking a couple of days off to regroup & think about their home concerts coming up in a few days.
  3. Yardie, no disrepect, but get real.....yes the band played through tragedy before, but never the next day in the same city that just got some 150 souls grenaded & machine-gunned down the night (or even several nights) before.... besides the French Government will not allow it, plain & simple (no gatherings of people will be allowed, especially 20,000 in an arena, not matter how tight security would be).I accept that and alluded to that. I don't need to 'get real' with respect. No problem fellow U2'r God help us all in these times, especially the families of the victims.
  4. Yardie, no disrepect, but get real.....yes the band played through tragedy before, but never the next day in the same city that just got some 150 souls grenaded & machine-gunned down the night (or even several nights) before.... besides the French Government will not allow it, plain & simple (no gatherings of people will be allowed, especially 20,000 in an arena, not matter how tight security would be).
  5. Definitely no shows tomorrow Saturday or Sunday, you can bet your house and a year's salary on it!! France has been declared in a state of emergency (pretty much equivalent to a War Measures Act), this is a huge tragedy!! Even U2 can't heal this gaping wound at this time, not now & not for several weeks!! God Bless our French cousins!!! ..... It's on to Ireland for the Boys.....
  6. Anyone find out who this person was + what was he doing on stage??.... Bono's son maybe?? Looks like his son, the one in the Song for Someone IE concert vid/screen...
  7. <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> Ahh, that would explain it... talk about playing w fire, in NYC no less, lollll
  8. ... WTF was she going on about?? The guy next to her had enough too, he grabbed the mike from her hand when he realised she was just going on & on & the crowd was getting 'kinda nasty loll.... but Bono always the gentleman recouped from the negative vibe
  9. In my experience, the stream is better in mobile than in desktop... so, perhaps it's a good idea to "run" to the phone when the meerkat stream starts... Thx for the input Max.... Thank God for Mixlr, out of the 3, Meerkat, Periscope & Mixlr I get better & longer feeds from Mixlr.... just saying
  10. I don't know Man, am I the only one, but Meerkat is starting to suck the Big One... I guess I'll try from my phone tomorrow
  11. if there's a feed and for some reason it doesn't show... reload it. it's very very common it drops, but reloading sometimes is the trick... 10-4 Good Budy .... p.s.- looks like they were having some techno difficulties though
  12. Thx Max.... but it was'nt online for many minutes, said broadcast ended "35 minutes ago"?!?!.... just saying Got the feed now.... weird...
  13. Hey everyone, I saw 2 of 4 MTL shows, both awesome, the band was totally into performing all 4, especially show 3 with the 40 some odd people up on stage for the last 2 songs & the fan playing guitar & singing Desire on the e stage. Derekmcallister2 I think you need to see some videos of the MTL shows, the videos from people on the floor/close up, especially the one's filming the e stage, to see that Bono & all the Boyz are having a great time & are really into it, that kind of performing can't be faked or ''going thru the motions'' .... I realize though too that it may have taken a few shows for the band to get their full ''groove-on'' & thankfully that happened in Montreal ....p.s. they love playing Montreal, loudest fans every tour (as confirmed by the band themselves many times), as proof, Bono stayed in town for 2 weeks, being spotted all over the place (he stays w Guy Laliberté, Cirque du Soleil owner-founder who lives in a off-island MTL suburb).
  14. I attended 1 & 2, no wrist band GA waiting line, regular line-up, no ''coming back'' later.... the GA line-up is at the Windsor Court side entrance (East side of building), it is currently a construction site w fences up on each side with an outdoor carpet on the ground... you can see pix on the MTL show live threads. Unless you want to be right up against the stage railings, no need to line-up early, quite a bit of room to walk around on the GA floor by the e stage... i stage area gets crammed.
  15. Must not have been many, lasted about 20 minutes
  16. Hurry-up Folks, still some GA's left right now!!
  17. Hey Peter.... I don't think Bell Ctr/Evenko does the GA line-up wrist band thing like other cities/venues have done so far. Actually, if I recall correctly, I don't think it was all venues that have done that so far, don't think Vancouver or Denver (or maybe San Jose??) did those... then again I could be wrong. I think Evenko or Bell Ctr would have put out that info by now if that was a go, just checked, nothing on either web site... I think you're looking at the classic U2 Fans volontary line up, you know, the one were people arrive & do an orderly sequential number thing, with a # on your wrist via black marker
  18. Long story short, I have a spare GA for Friday to sell... i will be going in w the buyer, so no Ticketless CC worries etc etc PM me for details, Thx
  19. That isn't what dynamic pricing is, though. I encounter it most for Broadway shows in NYC. Some shows I thought would sell out, so I bought tickets when they first went onside for say $150. Months later, when the show finally happens, sometimes I might have been correct about the show and it is a huge seller and the seats around me went for $225 or $350 since the time I purchased mine. Sometimes, the person next to me showed up that day and got a rush ticket next to me for $30, since they barely sold any. Another time, I was given free tickets and sat next to someone who paid $150 (although I go through a service where we are told not to mention getting our tickets for free). All of those have happened to me before, so those aren't random examples. I don't see that any show or concert is under any obligation to make things fair, since there is nothing unfair about it. You were offered a ticket at a certain price, and you bought it. Also, what is the solution? Everyone gets refunds?! I bought two RZ tickets for the MSG shows, and now, some people have complained that GA is better (revising history that these ticket sales were so easy and we were just flipping between multiple RZ and GA offers, as opposed to be ecstatic and happy they showed up at all, since many of my GA/RZ were not in presales). In hindsight, I could have skipped RZ, and bought a GA on StubHub for $100+ cheaper. Next week, I am going to an Amy Schumer concert and bought a ticket halfway back in the venue. Today, I got an e-mail saying "great seats just released," and for the same price, I could be in the second row now. So, was the original purchase a mistake? I don't see what the supposed solution to this is... or why if you have tickets you would be tracking who is getting what better seats for cheaper/better location than you. It will seemingly always lead to some disappointment. Huuumm... we're just not used to that kind of issue here Jeff, NY is a different market for shows/concerts/sports/etc, you guys have many more of these than we do in MTL + much larger population base.... that may happen here on occasion, Just for Laughs I think but that is about it (we do have a last-minute discounting tix service here as well but it is for small shows/theather/stand-up/etc), and the discounting is not 70% off on hundreds of tickets ... like I said I have never seen or heard of that large a discount, certainly never for U2 in MTL... what it does show is that Evenko/Live Nation did overprice the $305 tix to begin with (at least in the quantity of tix at that price for 4 nights here), as people complained about when tix went onsale. I was just 'kinda shocked of the extent of the discount, I can totally understand discounting even for this, but 70% off on hundreds of $300 tix? And for nights 1 + 2 that were "sold out" for months until last Sunday? Anyways, I get it that market rules & it is not always fair, nor do I expect it to be most of the time. I was'nt monitoring ticket sales, I found out about it via the Zoo MTL thread & hence my original question if this had happened in other cities that the band have played in so far, & it does not look like it did, not to the 70% on hundreds of tix extent anyways. I know there is no "solution" to this, it is what it is, next time I'll wait to buy especially if the a band/artist is overbooked, 'kinda of a crap shoot But, I will still enjoy the show very much, just 4 more days 'till then & I will be in GA Friday & seats Saturday!!
  20. I may have the 1 GA available for Friday.... still deciding if I will offer it to a friend or sell it, a couple of them were'nt available for that night,,, 'gotta admit I have been waiting maybe a little too last minute, but it's GA, sooo... I guess you bagged the 100 level right in front of the screen?? You lucked out 'cause those were $305 tix a day ago .. I'd be pissed if I had $305 tix bought months ago & sit next to someone that paid 1/3 my price straight from the promoter-venue... but good on 'ya!!
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