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Everything posted by mike7man

  1. Looks like you will indeed be a fair ways to the side of the main stage. But, if you're closer to 124 than 122, that will help. What did your tix cost?
  2. Important news flash: I just talked to a very helpful woman at the San Jose SAP arena, and she was very clear that the main stage (on the SAP venue diagram; see below) IS on the right (the larger rectangle), with the b-stage/RZs on the left, and of course the catwalk connects them. She added that this diagram was taken directly from what the U2 production people sent the arena, which explains it being way more detailed than most other maps/diagrams of the stage. Oh, and once again, the "crew tech zone" labels on each side of the main stage are not surprising (lots of crew are in various areas around and under the main stage), so those labels do not mean it's just a sound tech area. And you can even see the drum riser in the middle of the main stage and what looks like rows of amps on either side. Also, given some of the very helpful additional posts above, it now seems reasonably clear that there will be two long screens above and running each side of the catwalk (perhaps indicated by those dotted lines on the SAP venue map), and that these would (obviously) be hard to see if you're on either end, which accounts for at least some of the "limited view" warnings, etc., which occur at both ends. Also, the only times when tickets indicate "behind the stage" or "side view" (vs. "limited view)--e.g., w/MSG tix--is when they're on the end opposite that of the RZs. When taken together w/the European "horseshoe" diagrams (especially Amsterdam), I'm beginning to think that this is pretty close to conclusive evidence that the main stage is on the end opposite the RZs. It would be very nice to confirm this w/MSG. I've tried calling them a few times (try pressing "0" to get a real person once you're hearing the menu), and haven't gotten through yet. It'd be great if some other folks could try as well, so that somebody could get through to them today and see what they say.
  3. Are you guys (Chuck & Kevin) talking about MSG? If so, Section 115 should be fine. If I'm right and the main stage at MSG is on the other side from the RZ, your seats are arguably ideal. And even if the main stage were by the RZ, they'd still be decent. Regarding the SAP setup, though, I don't think so. The main stage is always much larger than the b-stage, and the main stage has significant sound/crew stuff related to it (notice those labels on the SAP map are not on the stage--rather, on either side of it).
  4. You're another one of these folks that for whatever weird reason are displaying (on this site) as a free (not paid) member, which may relate to your problem. Contact the moderators (Bigwave, Max, Bajagirl) immediately w/your details (through private message) and they may be able to help you.
  5. The thing to do is this--well before the onsale (or presale) begins, open up a TM window, sign in to TM (w/your email and password). You'll see your name at the upper right. Then navigate to the particular show you'll want to buy tix from. Then refresh that repeatedly as the ticket onsale time approaches--and when it changes to reflect that sales have begun, go for it! Oh, and what jethronh said (know your TM password, etc.) BTW, you'll also need your credit card security code to complete the purchase.
  6. Many folks like utwothefly are (or may be) in this situation--illustrates what I've been saying about the need for more clarity!
  7. Now, reading your post, I am not sure if I chose the best option (Red Zone), lol! Maybe the best seats should be lower level seats in the middle of arena. As I said before I just want to stay close of the band (don´t need to be in the first row, just close) and stay confortable. In Pop Tour and Vertigo I stayed at GA, but far from the stage, didn´t like the experience. Well, given everything we've been saying about GA, being close there is tough unless you're really willing to wait all day, endure very crowded conditions, etc. So, for sure, the best close/comfortable combination would be lower bowl seats (IMHO, and if the main stage is really across from the RZ, closer to the main stage--see previous post). But don't worry--I bet you'll really enjoy your RZ experience (also given the above).
  8. I´m going to Chicago 3 (Red Zone). But I´ll also try to get tickets for Chicago 4 on monday (general sales). A 200 level (center of arena) is good choise? And you? My wife and I are going to Chicago 1 (lower bowl) and 2 (GA), and a Chicago buddy & I have GA for Chicago 4. On Monday I'll get a single ticket for myself for Chicago 3--not sure what kind yet (if I have a choice!). Either GA, good lower bowl, or RZ (if I can get it). If I do get RZ for Chicago 3, see you there! (unless we're on different sides, of course). Regarding your Chicago 4 ticket choice, sure, a 200 level/center arena would be fine. But, even better (and same price!) to get similar lower bowl tix. And best of all (if I'm right about where the main stage is), would be lower bowl 113 (and within this section, closer to 112 than 114) or 121 (closer to 122 than 120). Next best, 112 or 122. Also, are you getting 1 or 2 tix for Chicago 4? It's always easier to get a good single--but of course, you (and most, including me most of the time) will be going for pairs. Finally, I might try for MSG 5 & 6 tix, but I only have so much cash!
  9. A lot of sensible comments. And if there really is a main stage on one end and b-stage/RZ on the other, U2 will certainly be spending more time at the b-stage than they have before--probably like they did w/Zoo-TV in stadiums, etc., and like other groups increasingly do (e.g., 3-4 songs, something like that). In lieu of a b-stage on the last few tours, they came out to the apex of the "heart" (which doesn't seem to exist this tour) for c. 2 songs (plus occasionally wandering around on the heart catwalk). So the RZ will have a fantastic view of some part of the show. And especially without a heart, getting/staying close to the main stage is a major ordeal, which makes the RZs more appealing than if there were a heart. Plus, if you're not reasonably tall, all the more reason to go for the RZ, I agree.
  10. Bump. Also, as you mods can see, there's several threads (e.g., rear/side stage; which lowers are good) that importantly involve this question, which critically affects ticket-buying choices. ???
  11. Yeah, if I were you, I'd probably stay in the RZ. Especially w/no "heart", staying super-close to the main stage in GA is a demanding experience. And also, yes, you don't have to wait in line nearly as long for a good spot in the RZ, and it's way less crowded, for sure. I'd suggest, however, being there when the RZ opens (probably c. 5-5:30), because in the past, some RZ spots have been significantly better than others. The only downside is, if the main stage really is on the other end from the RZ, then most of the time you won't be particularly close to the band. On the other hand, arenas are much smaller than stadiums, so you still wouldn't be super-far away. As far as when we'll finally know for sure about the stage, beats me. Certainly the info released so far is confusing, at least unless one does a lot of sleuthing. I'd love to know before the last general onsale on Monday, but I doubt we will. By the way, which show are you going to?
  12. Wow. Thanks for the info. Man, this just gets more confusing. But, keep in mind that at least some of the 114 seats were cheap (see top of thread). In fact, the first post is clear that his 114 seats were actually labeled "rear/side of stage". So how can that happen unless the main stage is on that end? Also, that some in 114 were full price (as you noted) doesn't shock me, because the section sort of straddles beside the stage to behind(ish) the stage (if the main stage is on that end). So, for example, seats in 114 that are close-ish to section 115 could easily be full price--and U2 (and other acts) always charges full price for seats beside the main stage. So that, by itself, maybe isn't conclusive. But, your seeing $68 tix in 102/103 DOES surprise me, and would fit w/the main stage being by the RZ. But, then significant price differences within 114 don't make much sense, do they? There's also some evidence that U2 will be doing some serious things w/various projection screens, so that may factor into things as well, making things even harder to figure out. Say, for example, that there's a major screen above both stages, pointing inward. Then directly behind either end could be somewhat obstructed/lower price, regardless of which end the main stage is on. What would be very helpful is if anyone can tell us what directly "comparable" tickets cost--that is, exactly mirror-image from each other. For example, 103 vs. 113 (not 114), or, better yet, 102 vs. 112. Anyone??? I can also tell you (from what folks have said in other threads) that at various other venues, the prices of tickets in various sections appears to favor the "main stage at other end from the RZ" theory fairly clearly, perhaps more so than MSG data so far indicate. And finally for now, keep in mind what the Amsterdam and other European "horseshoe" venue maps show. The Amsterdam map, for example, is crystal-clear--the RZs are on the other side from the main stage, which is at the "back" (open end) of the horseshoe. If the RZs were by the main stage, then all these maps would show the RZs close to the back/open end of the horseshoe shape--and they don't. With a horseshoe-type arena, there's no way the main stage won't be toward the open end of the horseshoe. If it were more toward the closed end, tons of seats would become side and/or rearish view, and they're not going to do that. And U2 is not going to be moving the RZs around--the overall stage setup will be the same everywhere. Finally, what do you mean by "more available seating" on the 114 end? Can you say more about this? You mean that more seats were available on that end (fewer presale folks were buying them?) Even if so, that's not conclusive either--lots of folks may simply be assuming that the main stage is by the RZs. Also, it depends a lot on exactly where this available seating is on the that end. If the main stage is there, then significant numbers of seats will be to the side/behind the main stage, and will be less popular.
  13. Good question. If I had bought RZ thinking that they were next to the main stage, what I'd probably do (if the above is right) is get into the RZ as soon as it opens (probably shortly after they begin letting in regular GA), and leave the RZ to get the best main stage position in regular GA I could. If an RZ person did this, they'd always have the option of going back to the RZ whenever they wanted (although once they did, forget about trying to reclaim one's spot at the other end of the floor in regular GA). On the other hand, it does seem like RZ WILL be right by the b-stage, and so when the band comes there (probably for 3-4 songs, something like that), you'd be golden, which is cool. Plus, the RZ will be way more comfortable, convenient, etc. than regular GA (at least any regular GA close to the main stage, for sure). So maybe it's worth it just to stay there, depending on one's priorities. I remember one time on the 360 tour I had RZ, and then realized that I could go into regular GA. They had just started letting GA in a short while before, so I was able to get basically perfect position dead center in the heart (maybe 5 rows back; since the stage was high, IMHO this was ideal). I loved it, and didn't think twice about going back to the RZ. At the same time, I eventually figured out (on the 360 stadium tour) that one could get into the heart no problem even when arriving fairly late (say, 4:00-5:00 or even later sometimes), and still end up toward the back of the heart dead center. So I didn't get RZ again; just regular GA, and was a very happy camper. Actually, looking forward to this on the 2016 stadium leg. So, if all this obsessing about the main stage being opposite the RZ is correct, one could view (if one wanted to) the RZ ticket as a convenient way to get super-good regular GA position in front of the main stage, without having to wait for 12 hours ahead of time. Yet another unclear thing (a big deal, actually), however, is whether there will be anything like a heart/ellipse by the main stage on this tour at all, as was the case w/Elevation, Vertigo, and the 360 tours. The great thing about having a heart-type area is, once you're there, you get a special wristband so you can come and go from the heart (albeit w/difficulty, and sometimes losing your position in the heart). And, more importantly, the heart was limited to X people, so although crowded, you didn't have to worry about truly horrible crushing situations--and, even though you could lose some position by going to the bathroom or whatever, you'd at least be able to get back into the heart, which maintained a lot of your good position. If there's no heart at all, then trying to be close to the main stage is even more of a problem--particularly if you need to leave and come back. Unfortunately, my money is on there being no "heart" this time around. Seems unlikely with this huge catwalk going all the way from the main stage to the b-stage. Although, maybe they still could--it'd look like a couple of semicircles on either side of the catwalk (a "divided" heart, as it were). Beats me. On the 360 tour, we had both a heart AND RZs on either side of it; somehow it seems unlikely that we'll have both in arena settings. Well, once the Vancouver gigs happen, we'll know for sure.
  14. You only got 2 tix because that's the presale limit. Right now, there's no way to buy or trade GA or RZ, because they're credit card entry only--i.e., the original purchaser MUST attend (so the tix are nontransferable). The moderators are trying to figure out a way to at least be able to trade these. Regarding reserved seats, these ARE tradable/resellable/etc. By the way, you sound all set for the 28th, so why are you talking about trying to get tix for either the 28th and 29th? I'd think you only need them for the 29th, right? Also, if you're going alone, I bet you can find somebody w/2 GA for the 29th who could, in effect, trade w/you.
  15. Unfortunately, not likely. The ticket prices alone (i.e., how they differ on each end) suggest not. Also check out the Europe diagrams--especially Amsterdam. All this suggests a main stage on the other end of the RZs, hence, tix behind this are less expensive. Again, for more info, see Stage Design and "Which end is the RZ on?" (in Red Zone section) threads.
  16. Also, there's been tons of info on the website for days making it very clear that it was just 2 tix per presale code; that's it. Disappointing that we didn't get more codes when more shows were announced? Maybe. Unfair? Nope.
  17. Guys, there's tons of evidence now that the RZs are by some kind of b-stage, with the main "open" stage at the other end. For example, that's why tix "behind" the main stage (e.g., section 114 at MSG) are relatively cheap, while seats directly across the floor in corresponding sections (e.g., section 104) are full price. This alone is pretty conclusive evidence. But hey, don't take my word for it (although I've frantically researched the beejesus out of this to figure it out). Also check out the "Stage Design" thread and the "Which end of the stage is the Red Zone?" (see Red Zone section) threads. And look at the San Jose SAP map FROM THE VENUE (not TM). And also, the Amsterdam venue map is very clear that the RZs are not by the main stage, and various other European maps (e.g., the 02) are "horseshoe" designs, where the main stage must be at the "open" end of the horseshoe (and they show the RZs across the floor from the open end of the horseshoe).
  18. Maybe it's too much to ask, but I'd say (I think a few others have floated this) one show in Europe (probably Dublin or London), one in the US. Then travel wouldn't automatically basically be prohibitive for close to half of their fans (as it would be with just one gig).
  19. Yes, or at least I think so. It suggests that tix behind the RZ are NOT obstructed (or have a rear view) for the main stage. And, if the main stage were by the RZ, tickets on that end WOULD be obstructed/rear view (because the main stage, whichever end it's at, will "point" toward the GA floor), or at least less desirable because the band would mostly be facing the other way (even if not obstructed per se). But, these tix are full price (or at least more expensive than corresponding tix on the other end). The reverse logic applies to tix on the other end--they're relatively less expensive, because folks there will mainly be looking at the band from the back. Ergo, more likely that the main stage is on the other end from the RZ. Oh, and the fact that Artist Rada's tix don't say "obstructed view" again suggests an "open" stage layout. So maybe the actual "obstructed view" tix (which do exist at various venues) may refer to being partially blocked by one of the various big screens (?).
  20. Well, you're welcome to your pro-Muse opinion; needless to say, many (e.g., me) would disagree!
  21. Hmm--interesting. Were your Forum/Section 118 tix full price? Or less? That will be a major clue. Also, on the last couple of tours, the main stage has been "open", so it's not like the view from behind the main stage is seriously obstructed; more like one sees them from the rear most of the time in that situation. So again, were your tix full price, or less?
  22. Yeah, I think Kristaps is right (i.e., no new cities). Also, the LA shows have not sold well--still nowhere near selling out, so they're done. And NYC still has some left for the original 4 shows, so I think we were lucky to get 2 more there--very unlikely that there'll be two more beyond that. On the other hand, a bunch of other places DID sell out pretty fast (e.g., London/02; Toronto, a couple more venues in Europe), and yet haven't gotten any more shows yet--even though there's "room" for them in the schedule. Odd.
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